
JAKARTA - The faces of a number of bajaj drivers in Jakarta lit up after receiving food and kitchen utensils from the Indonesian Kowarteg volunteers.

Moreover, on the eve of Indonesian Independence Day, a number of these lower-class residents admitted that they were restless over the current sluggish economy.

Samsudin (57), one of the bajaj drivers, said that before Indonesia's Independence Day, he wanted the welfare of bajaj drivers to be paid more attention, in order to encourage the economy of small communities.

"I feel proud and happy that a person like Pak Ganjar can become president, he is a friendly person, when he was governor, he saw him in a mini park, he always smiled," he told reporters, Tuesday, August 16.

General Secretary of the Indonesian Kowarteg Volunteer Team, Seno Herlangga, said that from that moment the bajaj drivers and the surrounding community also expressed their anxiety at this time.

One of them is about the economic downturn in the digital era.

"They are very helpful and very supportive of our movement. Hopefully our efforts from Kowarteg Indonesia for Pak Ganjar Pranowo can be our leader, President of the Republic of Indonesia in 2024," said Seno.

The presence of the Indonesian Kowarteg, continued Seno, can certainly be a forum for aspirations for the people who want Indonesia to be better. Therefore, similar movements will continue to be held massively in a number of other areas.

"As for this kind of activity, we will continue because it is beneficial for small communities as well, directly for warteg owners, of course, we will help with the economic cycle," he said.

Seno explained that today's activity targets drivers, especially bajaj drivers, angkot drivers and the surrounding community in need. There were 1,000 food packages and kitchen utensils distributed.

"Because we are inspired by Pak Ganjar, he is a social person and it is proven that he is very nurturing to small communities, moreover he often shares. Therefore we are motivated to support him," he said.

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