JAKARTA - One of the great achievements that should be reflected in the commemoration of the 77th independence of the Republic of Indonesia is Indonesia's success in hijacking the crisis that occurred due to the COVID-19 pandemic and geopolitical contestation.
Presidential Chief of Staff Dr. Moeldoko said that the public must be optimistic about all the achievements achieved by Indonesia in the midst of global uncertainty.
"Last year at the moment of the 76th anniversary of independence, the President called for us to hijack the crisis. One year later we succeeded in proving it. When many countries were unable to control inflation and purchasing power, Indonesia was able to record positive growth of 5.44 percent," he said. Moeldoko, in his statement, Monday 15 August.
In addition, Moeldoko added, in the midst of the pandemic and the onslaught of the global crisis, Indonesia's export performance also continued to record an increase. Indonesia's exports in June 2022 were recorded at 26.10 billion US dollars, an increase of about 40.68 percent compared to the value of exports in the same period last year.
In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic has also created a new behavior, namely a massive transformation into the digitalization era. This, one of them, can be seen from the 17.5 million MSME players who have successfully entered the digital ecosystem during the pandemic period.
"With this achievement, we want to invite people to continue to believe and be optimistic that our nation is able to recover faster and rise stronger," said Moeldoko.
Meanwhile, Indonesia was able to show its quality as the president of the G20 in the midst of a barrage of crises. President Joko Widodo has also strategically taken advantage of this momentum to build the spirit of "Gotong Royong World" to recover together and rise stronger.
"The spirit of togetherness and mutual cooperation is Indonesia's advantage and capital to face various situations. So, Indonesia does not only want to survive the crisis, but Indonesia must be able to optimize the existing strengths in a short time," he concluded.
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