
JAKARTA - PT PGN Tbk as Pertamina's Gas Subholding continues to realize its commitment to providing competitive and environmentally friendly natural gas services through the household gas network. On Saturday, August 13, PGN inaugurated and distributed the first gas (gas in) in the Catalina Cluster, Tangerang Regency, Banten.

Gas-in in the Catalina Cluster is a jargas development program in 2021. PGN has served around 35,000 house connections (SR) in Tangerang. Specifically for the Catalina area, there are 800 SRs and gas in stages will be carried out, starting Saturday, August 13, 2022, some of which have been distributed for the first time around 400 SRs.

The construction of the gas network in the Catalina Cluster received a very good response from the Tangerang Regency Government and the community.

"Alhamdulillah, today we will inaugurate and distribute gas which of course will be obtained by all residents of the Catalina housing community. This is one of the first (gas in)," said Tangerang Regent, Ahmed Zaki Iskandar, in his speech.

Zaki stated that the local government will continue to support programs from both the central government and SOEs in order to provide maximum service to the community, especially basic services to the community. One of the important things is that from this gas distribution, people get cheap, clean, and safe energy services. Of course it will be much more supportive of the community.

"This is also very important, because this program will support Tangerang Regency in reducing emissions and the use of gas derived from other fossils," said Zaki.

The Tangerang Regency Government will also continue to encourage other regions, especially those that are close to the gas pipeline, to get the same facilities. Hopefully the use of this gas will also support the Clean Tangerang program.

"Like MSMEs, households, this will be even easier. There is no need to worry about running out of gas, because this will be constant. Like electricity, we will get supplies. But of course the payment must be orderly later," added Zaki.

PGN Corporate Secretary Rachmat Hutama explained that the gas in the Catalina Cluster is a tangible manifestation of PGN's service to the community and for this gas network it will continue to be carried out. From today's gas, it is hoped that the community will get benefits, one of which is that they don't have to bother changing cylinders and they don't have to run out of gas in the middle of the road while cooking.

"The most important thing is to help MSMEs where the prices we offer are quite competitive. For MSMEs, it is quite profitable, because you can use it later the next month on the fifth or sixth, you have an obligation to pay. So gas can be used first, then pay. then," said Rachmat.

"As a representative of the residents of the Katalina Cluster, I would like to thank you. With PGN's presence, first we can increase MSMEs in our area. Second, housewives run out of gas in the middle of the night, maybe this can be resolved," said Head of the Catalina RW Cluster Arif Budi Santoso.

Furthermore, Arif hopes that the cooperation with PGN can continue for gas installation, so that by 2023, the Catalina area of 800 families can enjoy PGN gas.

"Hopefully the construction of this jargas can get support from the Tangerang district government and the existing apparatus, and also get support from the people of Tangerang Regency," concluded Rachmat.

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