
JAKARTA - This state-owned construction company, PT PP (Persero) Tbk, will enter its 69th year this August. To celebrate PTPP's Birthday, through the Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) program, PTPP targets the environment and community welfare by making a positive contribution to the Island of the Gods, Bali.

PTPP will contribute to waste management on the Island of the Gods where the company hopes to make Kuta and Seminyak a Zero Waste Area. To realize the program, PTPP cooperates with NGOs who are present to provide solutions in the form of technology to process all types of waste, including waste that is difficult to destroy. The results of the waste processing will be used as a valuable work by residents on the Island of the Gods.

The technology created by the nation's children consists of two machines, each of which has a different function. The first machine is a waste sorting machine that can sort waste automatically between organic waste and inorganic waste.

Meanwhile, the second machine functions as a multilayer waste processor, such as: plastic, masks, Styrofoam, and other waste which will be processed into a valuable work of art and can be more useful for the welfare of the community, especially the waste management community.

The technology provided by PTPP will certainly make the Seminyak Customary TPST the only TPST on the island of Bali without residue.

PTPP held a ceremony to hand over waste management aids located at TPST 3R Seminyak on Jalan Beji Ayu No. 10, Seminyak, Kuta, Bali on Friday 13 August. The handover of this aid was handed over directly by SVP Corporate Secretary PTPP Bakhtiyar Efendi to the Chairman of KSM Bumi Lestari I Wayan Tegeg, witnessed directly by the Assistant Deputy of TJSL, Ministry of SOEs, RI Edi Eko Cahyono.

Also attending the event was the Regent of Badung I Nyoman Giri Prasta. The host of the Seminyak Indigenous Village Chief I Wayan WIndu Segara, Badung Community Leader I Wayan Suyasa, and the PTPP TJSL and Corsec Team.

Still on the same occasion and event in carrying out the celebration of the 69th PTPP Anniversary, PTPP also provided assistance to Elementary School (SD) children around the TPST location by providing assistance in the form of school supplies as many as 69 (sixty-nine) packages. The assistance was handed over directly by the Head of TJSL PTPP Panji Decca Duanianto to several representatives of elementary school children.

It is hoped that with the provision of school supplies, school children around the Kuta area will be more enthusiastic in studying at school and studying at home.

“Why did we choose the Island of the Gods Bali as the target for this waste management assistance? As we all know that Bali is a tourist destination in Indonesia whose charm is already very well known in foreign countries. With many tourists and tourists coming to the island, both local and foreign, the problem of waste on the Island of the Gods will increase every year," said Bakhtiyar Efendi, Corporate Secretary of PTPP in a written statement.

In addition, he continued, residents or residents on the island of Bali are also known to have a myriad of creativity in their high-value works of art. Based on these considerations, PTPP chose the Island of the Gods as the target for the final waste management assistance.

"We hope that the results from processing plastic waste will later be created to become something very valuable in the hands of the people and residents in Bali. Through this program, PTPP, which is one of the state-owned companies, also participates in the success of the G20 grand event by presenting solutions for handling waste problems on the Island of the Gods," concluded Bakhtiyar.

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