
JAKARTA - PT Pertamina Patra Niaga reports, as of Friday 12 August there have been 600 thousand two-wheeled vehicles that have registered for the MyPertamina precise subsidy program.

"As of today, there are 600,000 vehicles," he told VOI, Friday, August 12.

Irto also detailed that, based on consumption, 75 percent of those who have registered are users of Pertalite type of fuel oil (BBM), while the other 25 percent are diesel users.

Meanwhile, regarding the imposition of restrictions on the purchase of subsidized fuel with MyPertamina, Irto said his party still had to wait for the issuance of the revised Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 191 of 2014.

Pertamina also reminded the public that currently registration for the Appropriate Subsidy Program is still open. Purchases of Pertalite and Subsidized Solar are currently still as usual and there are no restrictions. In the future, the Targeted Subsidy Program will be synergized with the regulation on the distribution of subsidized fuels determined by the government.

For information, until July 2022 the consumption of the Special Assignment Fuel Type (JBKP) or Pertalite has reached 16.8 million kilo liters (KL) and the remaining 6.2 million kL until the end of 2022 from the quota set at 23 million KL.

Meanwhile, the consumption of certain types of diesel fuel (JBT) has reached 9.9 million KL from the quota of 14.91 million in 2022 or 5.01 million KL remaining.

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