
JAKARTA - PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) is optimistic that it can maintain the company's positive financial performance until the end of 2022.

PT ASDP Corporate Secretary Shelvy Arifin said ASDP managed to achieve a positive performance in the first semester of 2022 by pocketing revenue of Rp. 2.05 trillion and recording a consolidated net profit of Rp. 340 billion, or an increase of 123 percent compared to the same period last year of Rp. 152.52 billion.

"For the second semester of 2022, we project that we can make a profit of IDR 202.34 billion or 100 percent absorbed from the target of the company's work plan and budget (RKAP). The company is aiming for a profit this year of IDR 541.06 billion or a growth of 65.82 percent. from the profit in 2021 of IDR 326.30 billion," said Shelvy as quoted from Antara, Thursday, August 11.

Shelvy conveyed that ASDP had also taken a number of anticipatory steps in responding to conditions of uncertainty in the world economy due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to him, the crisis has impacted the exchange rate and inflation, which continues to complicate the business situation in various industries, including the ferry business, whose main cost component is diesel fuel.

He emphasized that ASDP must be able to carry out business operations effectively and efficiently and continue to support national logistics services.

ASDP is aware of the external conditions faced by the company with cost effectiveness which is fundamental through the use of appropriate budgets and being careful in prioritizing the company's investment activities.

In maintaining this positive performance in semester II-2022, continued Shelvy, ASDP has prepared strategic programs through strategic management policies, among others, focusing on increasing revenue, namely port commercialization and ship optimization, and also through cooperation with business partners.

In addition, ASDP will also continue to be consistent in its transformation and digitalization program, investment priorities and financial efficiency.

Financially, ASDP is committed to realizing the target of achieving an EBITDA of IDR 1 trillion. The target of achieving profit before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) is translated through the management of crossing operations and port operations that uphold cost effectiveness.

"This Rp1 trillion EBITDA target has even become an encouragement for all ASDP personnel, both at the head office and branches," he said.

Shelvy added that ASDP also continued to boost revenue performance from the business side, namely expanding the B2B scheme, expanding the application of port digitization, adding ship production equipment and synergizing ASDP with the newly acquired subsidiary PT Jembatan Nusantara through the fleet plan synergy.

Of the total vessels owned by 166 units, now with an additional 52 units of JN vessels, ASDP now operates a total of 216 vessels serving 299 routes.

Not only that, ASDP is also committed to continuing to provide excellent service and operational excellence, which will soon be facing the peak moment of the 2023 Christmas and New Year holidays.

"We will make the service on Lebaran Transport 2022 a lesson learned so that Nataru services are much better, where ferry service users, especially in Merak, Bakauheni, Ketapang and Gilimanuk can enjoy a safer, more comfortable and safe trip by buying Ferizy tickets online," he concluded. .

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