
JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Menko Marves), Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan admitted that Indonesia's government debt has a debt of IDR 7,000 trillion.

However, compared to other countries in the world, Indonesia's debt is the smallest.

"If we have debt, it's really Rp. 7,000 trillion. We are one of the countries with the smallest debt in the world. August 8th.

Luhut said the debt was productive debt. One of the debts was used to build toll roads.

That is, when the toll road is completed and used, it will generate income to pay debts.

Furthermore, Luhut stressed, the government knows what to do.

Therefore, he asked not to provide false information regarding Indonesia's debt.

“But this debt is productive. This means that the toll road (debt) will return itself with the people walking there. Don't be fooled by the wrong information. The government is not stupid either. We know what we have to do," he said.

According to Luhut, the government has also calculated correctly and correctly regarding the development carried out. Including how the return on investment.

"How do we calculate the return on investment? So that we are still one of the countries with the least debt, our debt is 40 percent of GDP. But many developed countries are almost 100 percent," he explained.

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