
JAKARTA - The national airline Garuda Indonesia ensures that it will comply with the provisions and policies on airline ticket prices referring to the Upper Limit Tariff (TBA) and Lower Limit Tariff (TBB), as well as supporting policies in relation to other ticket price components.

This was followed by an appeal by the Directorate General of Air Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) which asked airlines to reduce air ticket fares so that they could be affordable by the public.

President Director of Garuda Indonesia, Irfan Setiaputra, said his company saw the appeal as a reminder for all players in the air transportation service industry to align performance acceleration measures while maintaining commitment to compliance with aviation business rules.

"Including the application of the ticket price component referring to the applicable provisions and regulations and continuously improving quality air transportation services for the community," he said in an official statement, Sunday, August 7.

Irfan invites all aviation stakeholders to jointly optimize the revival of the national economy by continuing to strengthen synergy in maximizing public accessibility to safe and comfortable air transportation services.

Furthermore, Irfan admitted that he believed that the awareness of the importance of harmonizing efforts to grow and recover together in the midst of a prolonged pandemic situation, is of paramount importance to ensure that the air transportation industry ecosystem can continue to move forward to maximize recovery momentum.

"Therefore, this commitment must be maintained by all parties," he said.

Regarding the implementation of the Ministry of Transportation's policy KM 142 of 2022 regarding the amount of additional costs (surcharge) caused by fuel surcharges, said Irfan, Garuda Indonesia will certainly respond and implement the policy carefully and thoroughly.

"Of course, taking into account the fluctuations in the price of avtur fuel against the need for ticket price adjustments, of course, while still prioritizing the fulfillment of community needs for the accessibility of flight services," he said.

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