
MATARAM - The Trade Office of Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara Province said that the People's Packaged Cooking Oil (MGKR) program with the Oilita brand with the highest retail price (HET) of Rp. 14,000 per liter has not yet been circulated in Mataram.

"There is no Oilita brand in Mataram yet. We have even communicated with a number of modern retailers and distributors and if there is they will certainly inform us," said Sri Wahyunida, Head of the Control of Basic and Important Materials (Bapokting) of the Mataram City Trade Office (Disdag). Mataram, Antara, Friday, August 5th.

The statement was made in response to journalists' questions related to the circulation of the Oilita brand MGKR which has been launched by the Ministry of Trade since early July 2022, to stabilize the price of cooking oil, which at that time reached up to over Rp. 20,000 per liter.

However, he continued, for now the price and stock of packaged cooking oil at a number of modern retailers have gradually returned to normal. There is even MGKR with a selling price of Rp. 14,000 per liter, but not Oilita.

"We have directly traced MGKR's distributors, and it turns out that they packaged them themselves from the factory, not a program from the Ministry of Trade," he said.

On the other hand, various brands of economical packaged cooking oil have also started circulating at a price of around Rp. 14,000 more per liter, no longer above Rp. 20,000 per liter.

"Alhamdulillah, this condition is a benchmark that the price of packaged oil is starting to stabilize. Even cooking oil has now contributed to deflation," said Sri Wahyunida.

Thus, people who previously switched and scrambled to buy bulk oil at HET prices, will switch back to buying packaged cooking oil.

"Hopefully this condition can continue to improve and people can buy cooking oil anytime and anywhere at prices according to HET," he said.

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