
JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) continues its commitment to eradicate stunting in Indonesia through a budget allocation of Rp44.8 trillion which is included in the 2022 state budget budget.

Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani said stunting was a serious problem that must be handled comprehensively and multi-sectorally in order to realize a golden generation that is free of stunting in 2045.

“This issue has become the focus of the government because of course with the presence of stunted children, they will not be able to develop into adult humans who can carry out their full humanitarian functions. Such conditions will certainly greatly affect the future of this child himself but also the future of Indonesia," he said through an online channel on Thursday, August 4.

The Minister of Finance added that currently Indonesia and the world continue to face various kinds of challenges, ranging from pandemics, global geopolitical conditions to the threat of food and energy crises.

These various challenges and dynamics did not dampen the steps of the government in efforts to achieve the goals of being a nation, state, and realizing a just and prosperous society.

One of them is by ensuring that the APBN can carry out its role as a shock absorber to protect the public, support recovery and maintain fiscal sustainability.

“This very important issue illustrates how the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget or the APBN is indeed constantly focused on how to improve the quality of human resources in Indonesia. We understand that the quality of Indonesian human resources is largely determined by various factors,” he said.

For information, the stunting eradication budget of Rp. 44.8 trillion was distributed to several government agencies, namely to 17 ministries and institutions with a value of Rp. 34.1 trillion. Then to local governments through the Physical Special Allocation Fund (DAK) of Rp. 8.9 trillion, and the Non-Physical DAK of Rp. 1.8 trillion.

Furthermore, the government's commitment and seriousness in accelerating stunting reduction is also carried out through convergent nutrition interventions, including specific nutrition interventions and sensitive nutrition.

The Minister of Finance also conveyed that specific nutrition interventions were carried out to overcome direct causal factors, while nutrition interventions were sensitive to indirect causes.

“The Ministry of Finance continues to provide information about stunting, especially regarding the budget data used. This is needed in order to further increase collaboration and forms of understanding from all agencies, how to convey precise and effective and accurate information," concluded Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.

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