
JAKARTA - The Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) reported that until the end of July 2022 the consumption of pertalite had reached 15.9 million kiloliters (KL) or about 61 percent of the quota set for 2022 of 23.05 million KL.

BPH Migas Commission member Saleh Abdurrahman detailed that the consumption of Pertalite in July was approximately the same as the conditions in the previous months. Where in July 2022, consumption was recorded to reach over 2.5 million KL.

"By the end of July, we estimate that it may be more or less the same as the conditions since March April May June, where the consumption of Pertalite is above 2.5 million KL, so that the total until July is around 15.9 million KL," Saleh said in Jakarta, Monday. August 1st.

He added that the current overquota cannot be avoided because there is no instrument that can be used to limit the purchase of Pertalite, such as diesel.

"In the case of diesel, the rightful consumer has been regulated in a Presidential Regulation, then BPH Migas has also issued a Regulation of the Head of BPH Migas regarding the limitation of individual diesel consumption and a maximum of 4 liters of 4-wheeler. In Pertalite, we do not have that instrument," Saleh continued.

For that, according to him, the steps that can be taken by BPH Migas to prevent overquota are by urging the public to consume non-subsidized fuel such as Pertamax.

"So what we can do is urge the public to consume non-subsidized fuel or Pertamax and above," said Saleh.

Meanwhile, BPH Migas is currently waiting for the issuance of a revised Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 191 of 2014 concerning the Supply, Distribution and Retail Selling Price of Oil Fuel.

"If the Perpres is issued, we will immediately move. But while waiting for that, I think another thing we can do together with Pertamina is to register," said Saleh.

According to him, this registration must be accelerated in order to determine the success of the program after the revision of Presidential Regulation 191. In addition, with this registration, related parties can find out the exact number of users of four-wheeled vehicles above 1500CC and below 1500CC. For this reason, he also appealed to related business entities such as Pertamina to speed up the registration process for four-wheeled vehicles.

"Later the policy can develop with that. So it is very important now, we urge Pertamina business entities to increase efforts to register the MyPertamina digitization system," Saleh continued.

Previously, rumors circulated that the government would impose restrictions on fuel purchases with a QR Code on August 1, 2022.

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