
JAKARTA - As a state-owned company engaged in the social security sector, PT Dana Tabungan dan Asuransi for Civil Servants (TASPEN) (Persero) is committed to providing the best service for participants by continuously improving the quality of Human Resources (HR) through digital transformation.

Thanks to the HR strategic plan that has been carried out, TASPEN has won 3 (three) awards at the same time in the 2022 Human Capital on Resilience Award, namely The Best Excellence in Women Empowerment Strategy, The Best HR Support on Business Transformation, and The Best CEO Focus on HC for the name of the President Director of TASPEN ANS Kosasih.

The award was directly given by Maya Yulianti as the Head of the Human Capital on Resilience Award 2022 to the President Director of TASPEN ANS Kosasih who was accompanied by the Director of HR and IT of TASPEN Ovita Susiana Rosya, Monday 1 August, at Building A 4th Floor TASPEN Head Office, Central Jakarta.

TASPEN President Director ANS Kosasih said, it is an honor for TASPEN to have received three awards at the same time in the 2022 Human Capital on Resilience Award event. The highest appreciation, he said, was given to all TASPEN personnel for their full support for digital transformation in HR management through the Human Capital Information System (HCIS).

"Thanks to an integrated system that functions to support and measure the productivity of HR performance in a real, valid, and reliable manner, currently TASPEN HR has superior value and competitiveness in facing challenges. themselves so that they can contribute to TASPEN's performance," said ANS Kosasih.

HCIS is a digital transformation that TASPEN carries out so that HR can become the best asset for the company. HCIS itself has several features, including the Talent Management System which presents complete and structured employee information data, manages the company's talents based on talent classification; Performance Management System that functions to manage employee performance in real time based on the management system cycle starting from performance planning, performance review to performance evaluation; and Multirater which is part of performance management which aims to measure the implementation of AKHLAK in each employee through a 360 assessment mechanism.

In addition, there is a Career Management feature related to the employee career management process which includes the Employee Career Plan and Succession Career Plan. Finally, there is a Collaboration & Communication feature in the form of an application that can be accessed via a smartphone with an employee self service model to make it easier for employees to manage activities on a mobile basis, build a group for sharing interests between employees.

Head of Organizing Human Capital on Resilience Award 2022 Maya Yulianti said this activity aims to identify the determinants of human capital success in the new normal era.

"We see from the strategic side of the company in developing human resources towards business economic resilience, accelerating the transformation of human capital through strengthening corporate culture and leadership, and innovation in order to redesign HR in challenging and uncertain conditions. The 2022 Human Capital on Resilience Award is a This is a form of our appreciation as well as appreciation to companies for their commitment and implementation of systematic and efficient policies, programs, and human capital strategies," explained Maya.

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