
JAKARTA - Indonesia officially has the first metaverse ecosystem, named Metanesia. This new breakthrough was initiated by the state-owned company, PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero).

SOE Minister Erick Thohir said the presence of Metanesia was a form of Telkom's adaptation to changing times. In addition, it is also a concrete step for SOEs in accelerating an integrated digital ecosystem.

"Don't let other countries have created a new world with their own payment system, the market will remain in Indonesia, then we will regret it. We have to balance the changes in this ecosystem, one of which is Metanesia," he said in a statement quoted on Monday, August 1.

"Metanesia is also to see how our demographic is getting younger and their way of life is different, we have to do this adaptation," he continued.

The former President of Inter Milan considered that Metanesia was a synergy of strengths in SOEs, MSMEs, and the private sector in building a new world that remained mutually beneficial.

Erick wants the presence of this new world to be an opportunity for MSMEs to advance to class.

"Don't let this new world eliminate MSMEs because the foundation of our nation is clearly a people's economy, this new world actually makes it easier to access markets and assist MSMEs so that they can become strengths in the new world," said Erick.

With the cooperation and collaboration of many parties, Erick assesses that Indonesia is able to help MSMEs. For example, said Erick, Sarinah with strict curation, now MSME products can appear with quality that is not inferior to foreign products.

"Now Sarinah is extraordinary, its visitors in four months have reached five million people, especially Metanesia, one month it can reach 20 million visitors, as long as the products are unique," he said.

In Metanesia, said Erick, PT Bio Farma can provide convenience for online health consultations.

Not only that, Erick hopes that Telkom will make something different in Metanesia.

"We have our own strength, Telkom is making a new world but only for SOEs, no, we can't be ivory towers, we have to embrace MSMEs and the private sector to be our part together as an Indonesian ecosystem," he explained.

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