
JAKARTA - The Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan said the enthusiasm of cooking oil companies to participate in the simple packaged bulk cooking oil program or Oilita was very large.

It is recorded that 91 companies have obtained approval for the use of marks from the Ministry of Trade.

The data is as of July 29. Zulkifli said this number would continue to grow considering the company's enthusiasm for the implementation of this program was very high.

"The Ministry of Trade is optimistic that Oilita will increase the reach of the MGCR Program and strengthen retail partners for Logistics and Retail Business Actors (PUJLE) throughout Indonesia," he said in an official statement, Saturday, July 30.

Based on the daily monitoring of SP2KP, the national average price of bulk cooking oil was Rp. 14,400 liters, down 8.86 percent compared to last month.

Zulhas as Zulkifli Hasan is familiarly called, said the average price of bulk cooking oil on the islands of Java, Sumatra and Kalimantan was in accordance with the HET of IDR 14,000 per liter, even for the islands of Java and Bali it had reached IDR 12,979 per liter.

"Meanwhile, in other provinces, it has shown a downward trend with details of the average price for the Sulawesi region of IDR 14,919 per liter, Nusa Tenggara IDR 16,125 per liter, and Maluku and Papua IDR 18,940 per liter," he explained.

Zulhas emphasized that he is closely monitoring the still high cooking oil prices outside Java-Bali to ensure the implementation of his policies throughout Indonesia.

"The price of bulk cooking oil in areas other than the islands of Java-Bali and Sumatra is still not in accordance with the HET. This illustrates the logistical challenges in distributing MGCR,” he said.

Furthermore, Zulhas targets that within a month, the Oilita program will reach mainly eastern Indonesia so that the HET for bulk cooking oil throughout Indonesia can be achieved immediately.

“In NTT, there are 27 PUJLE points, all of which are Savory points (Indomarco). While in Kupang City itself, there are 13 Savory points," he said.

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