
JAKARTA - PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) continues to encourage capacity building for grassroots communities around the company's operational areas through its social and environmental responsibility program or TJSL.

PHR Pinto Social Performance Manager Budi Bowo Laksono said the program targets the environment, education, health, and economic sectors.

"We have a high commitment not only from an operational perspective as a contributor to one of the largest oil and gas companies in Indonesia, but how our existence also provides great benefits to the surrounding community through community empowerment with this program," he said in a statement quoted in Jakarta, Friday.

Pinto explained that the priority of the TJSL program is the community around the operating area where Pertamina Hulu Rokan carries out oil and gas mining operations in seven districts/cities in Riau Province, namely Pekanbaru, Siak, Kampar, Rokan Hilir, Rokan Hulu, Bengkalis. , and Dumai.

When running programs in the economic field, PHR carries out vocational training, labor certification, in collaboration with the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP).

"The people we are targeting are local youth who are around the operational area, either directly or indirectly," explained Pinto.

Indirect support is done by providing entrepreneurship or entrepreneurship training for the surrounding community.

This support may not have a direct impact on the PHR business, but entrepreneurship encourages people to open businesses which have a direct impact on supporting the company's activities.

Meanwhile, direct support is provided through training for heavy equipment operators, oil and gas K3 operators, and welders.

Pinto said that the direct support created qualified, certified, and competent human resources from the grassroots community to participate in Pertamina Hulu Rokan's operational activities.

"With the assistance of MSMEs, this is all local content, so there is a connection. These MSME developments also support our activities, such as providing catering at events and operational clothes," said Pinto.

"That's part of the capacity building that we provide. What does it mean? These MSMEs can compete in terms of skills, competencies, and capacities, so they can compete in terms of quality in terms of packaging and so on," he added.

PHR allocated funds of around Rp23 billion for TJSL programs related to education, health, the environment, and also the economy.

CSR activities support the development priorities of local and central governments through the RPJMD and RPJMN.

Pinto said that the TJSL program does not actually replace the role of the government but helps support the government. This is in line with the government's development priorities.

"This program is also in line with Pertamina's ESG and the achievement of the SDGs targets. So, all of our CSR programs are aligned with the SDGs priorities," he said.

Until May 2022, the level of domestic components (TKDN) of PHR has reached 68.3 percent with a portion of local material content of 20 percent and local service content of 75 percent.

In the SKK Migas II National Capacity Forum held in Jakarta on 27-28 July 2022, Pertamina Hulu Rokan brought three fostered MSMEs, namely the Riau Malay Cultural and Creative Economy Center, batik from the State Extraordinary School, and waste bank partners. They display various achievements under the guidance of PHR.

The Coordinator of the Riau Malay Cultural and Creative Economy Center, Wan Irzawati, revealed that the presence of Pertamina Hulu Rokan had a positive impact on the development and growth of MSMEs in Lancang Kuning.

The PHR TJSL program does not only provide initial assistance, but provides continuous assistance.

If PHR has guests or holds activities, the company transfers all needs to the Riau Malay Cultural and Creative Economy Center which houses more than 400 MSMEs, such as souvenirs, food and beverages.

"We were only established in July 2021, but in this one year period we have been greatly helped. Previously, our turnover was only around Rp. 20 million per month, but now the lowest turnover is at Rp. 120 million per month," said Irzawati.

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