
JAKARTA - Professional insurance agents who are members of the MDRT forum or the Million Dollar Round Table, today, Thursday, July 28, 2022, again hold the annual event "MDRT Day Indonesia 2022". This year, it will be Hybrid (offline and online) in one day, with the theme Together We Rise.

The theme Together We Rise has become the choice of MDRT Day Indonesia 2022 considering that since the beginning of the year, the growth in economic activity and community mobility after the pandemic has given new hope and optimism for all life insurance industry players to get back to work optimally.

“Regulators and the insurance industry continue to strengthen industry fundamentals in terms of governance, strengthening Human Resources, increasing agent professionalism, for deepening literacy and penetration of life insurance in society, and increasing participation in the economy. So we all join hands so that we will be able to rise again and be stronger as a nation with global competitiveness. Together We Rise, bring Indonesia to fly higher," said the Committee Chair of MDRT Day Indonesia 2022, Kennedy Sumarlie.

Citing data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), Indonesia's economic growth in the first quarter of 2022, which recorded an annual growth of 5.01 percent, indicates that the Indonesian economy is one of the best in the world amid current high global pressure and uncertainty. Likewise, Indonesia's inflation record is also one of the lowest currently in the world, with the most stable rupiah exchange rate.

With enthusiasm and optimism to rise together, MDRT Day Indonesia 2022 will encourage the life insurance industry players, in this case, professional agents, to go along with the improving economy, by returning to work optimally.

As is known, in the last two years, premium performance has slowed down due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has hampered the movement of agency distribution channels, but is now recovering.

Digital adoption and agent innovation and creativity are believed to support the acceleration of insurance agents this year to fly higher again. Considering that agents are the spearhead of penetration of the insurance industry in society.

For this reason, today's MDRT Day Indonesia 2022 presents speakers with advantages that are very useful for life insurance agents, to the general public.

“Insurance agents can take advantage of many benefits and the best ideas that can be applied and can be a productivity booster throughout 2022. Because MDRT is not only about personal selling, but MDRT teaches about Leadership as part of a career. Therefore, this seminar is also open to all walks of life,” said Kennedy.

Dedy Setio, MDRT Indonesia Country Chair explained, the annual MDRT Day Indonesia event that consistently presents competent speakers is an effort to make the MDRT forum a role model for all life insurance agents to be more professional.

As expected by the Indonesian Life Insurance Association, that MDRT must be at the forefront of maintaining the competence and professionalism of agents by creating the best recruits who adhere to the agency's code of ethics, so that there are no wrong sales practices or mis-selling and over-promises in the future.

Dedy acknowledged that agent recruitment and agent competence are the main concerns of the MDRT Indonesia Committee. However, every year the number of MDRT members in Indonesia continues to grow along with the increasing awareness of insurance agents to continue to improve their competence as financial advisors.

Currently, the number of MDRT Indonesia members reaches 2.643 members (data for May 2022). In terms of quality, the stages of growth for MDRT members continue to rise. Although the intensity is not high, it is still on track to support the life insurance industry.

"So for 2023 we are optimistic that the number of MDRT Indonesia members can reach 3.000 members," he said.

With the increasing number of MDRT agents in Indonesia, there will be more and more international standard insurance agents, thus increasing the quality of insurance agents in Indonesia. With the increase in the quality of insurance agents, customers will also receive very professional services according to the MDRT code of ethics.

As for becoming an MDRT member, an insurance agent needs to pocket the first year premium target of IDR 523.933.800. Meanwhile, to enter the higher qualifications, namely Court of The Table (COT) and Top of The Table (TOT), an agent must collect a premium of IDR 1.571.801.400 (3xMDRT) and IDR 3.143.602, respectively. 800 (6x MDRT) per year.

Hybrid Concept & Awarding

Kennedy further explained that this year's MDRT Day Indonesia event was held for the first time in a hybrid manner with the concept of a Round Table (Round Table) in accordance with the philosophy of MDRT (Million Dollar Round Table) which was first gathered using the Round Table in America in 1927.

“With the concept of the Rasa Awarding Seminar, it provides opportunities for participants, both offline and onsite, to feel euphoric like in the middle of the Gala Awarding, even though they are in a place to learn together through this event. And the hybrid concept provides an opportunity for all agents and people throughout Indonesia to still be able to participate virtually. We apply this concept because every year the enthusiasm of insurance agents and the general public in attending the MDRT Day Indonesia seminar is always high. So this year with the hybrid concept, it is hoped that the participants will exceed 6.000 participants,” said Kennedy.

The speakers at MDRT Day Indonesia 2022 are mostly professional agents who have been MDRT members for more than 10 years, both local and international speakers.

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