
JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto is said to have accompanied President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to receive an honorary visit from the Chair of the Japan-Indonesia Parliamentary Friendship League (Japan-Indonesia Parliamentary Friendship League) Nikai Toshihiro in Tokyo, Japan this week.

In a written statement received by the editors today, Airlangga said that the two leaders discussed the role of each country in the international arena which is quite strategic next year.

"The president explained the long-standing cooperation and raised issues related to next year, Indonesia will hold the chairmanship of ASEAN and Japan will hold the chairmanship of the G7," he said Thursday, July 28.

Airlangga explained that in 2023, Indonesia and Japan will commemorate 65 years of diplomatic relations and 50 years of ASEAN-Japan relations.

The ASEAN-Japan meeting next year is also planned to be held in Japan and at that time a vision for the next 50 years of ASEAN and Japan will be produced.

"Of course, with the chairmanship of the President, the interests of the future economy and strategic cooperation in the future will become important," he said.

According to Airlangga, this vision is in line with what was supported by former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe that Japan is Indonesia's strategic partnership.

As for the economy, President Jokowi asked that further investment in Patimban Port, West Java, worth Rp. 9.5 trillion could be encouraged to continue.

"Earlier it was mentioned related to the development of the Patimban Port, where the first stage of investment was with a JICA loan of Rp. 14 trillion, and this (the President) asked to be encouraged for a further investment of Rp. 9.5 trillion," he said.

Furthermore, various economic cooperations in Indonesia were also disclosed, such as the construction of the Jakarta MRT, and the completion of the proving ground project or vehicle roadworthiness testing center facility located in Bekasi.

"Some other countries, such as Thailand and Vietnam, they already have a proving ground," said Airlangga.

Also attending the meeting were former Japanese Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide, former Japanese Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Moriyama Hiroshi, and former Japanese Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Hayashi Motoo.

Then the Indonesian delegation accompanying President Jokowi included Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi, Minister of State Secretary Pratikno, and Indonesian Ambassador to Japan Heri Akhmadi.

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