
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) through the Directorate General of Taxes said that the government is currently preparing a tax revenue target for the 2023 period quite carefully.

The Director General of Taxes at the Ministry of Finance, Suryo Utomo, said that the direction of tax policy next year is quite different from this year.

The reason is, the high revenue base in 2022 cannot immediately be used as a benchmark for next year amid the ongoing uncertainty of the situation.

"Global economic risks tell a different story for us to plan, so we will definitely be more careful going forward," he said at a press conference on the state budget on Wednesday, July 28.

According to Suryo, there are also some differences between the 2022 period and the 2023 projection, such as the absence of the Voluntary Disclosure Program (PPS) aka tax amnesty.

“There are (tax) receipts that will not be repeated next year, such as the Voluntary Disclosure Program which was completed last June. So in 2023 there will be no more receipts from here," he said.

To note, the realization of tax revenues until the first semester of 2022 has reached Rp. 868.3 trillion, equivalent to 58.5 percent of the ceiling of Perpres 98/2022 which amounted to Rp. 1,485 trillion.

Meanwhile, in the current discussion of the 2023 RAPBN between the government and the DPR, the state revenue target for next year is in the range of IDR 1,884.6 trillion to IDR 1,967.4 trillion.

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