
JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of Commission VII DPR RI, Maman Abdurahman, regretted the regulation of levies for each offshore upstream oil and gas activity by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.

According to Maman, the existence of these regulations can prevent the entry of foreign investors to invest in Indonesia.

"Yesterday, the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries was willing to levy another levy off the coast, which only made investors want to reduce their investment interest. We have to make it easier for the industry, which is already sunset, so that its oil production will increase," Maman told reporters in Jakarta, Monday, 25 July.

Maman then uses the term sunset in the upstream oil and gas industry to describe the current condition.

This is because from year to year there continues to be a decline in production in the upstream oil and gas sector.

Meanwhile, the government targets oil and gas lifting of 1 million BOPD in 2030.

"Our oil and gas can still be the backbone, but whether we like it or not, we have entered the sunset era. The sunrise is New and Renewable Energy (EBT)," continued Maman.

For this reason, Maman asked that every regulation related to investment in Indonesia be simplified.

According to him, when changing the rules, the government should make regulations that make it easier for investors.

Previously, the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Activities (SKK Migas) estimated that this year's oil and gas lifting would not reach the target.

SKK Migas Deputy for Operations, Julius Wiratno, revealed that oil lifting until December 2022 only reached 633,000 barrels per day (BOPD).

Meanwhile, gas is estimated to reach 5,380 MMSCFD.

"For oil now, based on the work program that has been approved in 2022, it is only 633,000 BOPD and around 5,380 gas," he said at a press conference on the achievement and performance of upstream oil and gas in the first semester of 2022 in Jakarta, Friday, July 15.

Based on the target set in the APBN, oil lifting in 2022 is targeted at 703,000 BOPD and gas at 5,800 MMSCFD.

The Head of SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto reported that this was due to an unplanned shutdown and the delay in the completion of the national upstream oil and gas strategic projects, namely Jambaran-Tiung Biru and Tangguh Train 3 which had been included in the calculation in the preparation of lifting targets in the 2022 State Budget.

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