
WEST LOMBOK - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) approved the Lemer Block and Simba Block People's Mining Areas in Sekotong District, which were proposed by the West Lombok Regency Government, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).

"West Lombok has issued its permit because the strategic study is in progress and the documents have been completed," said Head of the NTB Energy and Mineral Resources Agency, Zaenal Abidin, as quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, July 24.

He said the determination of the WPR for the Lemer Block and the Simba Block, in Sekotong District, West Lombok Regency, was part of dozens of blocks submitted to the central government. There are still 17 other blocks on Sumbawa Island that have not yet been determined.

Zainal explained that the Ministerial Decree (ESDM) Number 89 of 2022 which stipulates the Lemer Block with the Simba Block as a WPR must be understood so that the utilization permit cannot go outside the predetermined coordinate point.

His party also invited the West Lombok Regency Government through villages and cooperatives to divide the block, then it was just a matter of processing the permit.

"We from the ESDM Office are not in the capacity to determine the permit area. The permit is from the community itself, for example in 100 hectares where is cooperative A, where is cooperative B and so on. It is not within the capacity of the NTB Province ESDM Office," he said.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Regent of West Lombok, Sumiatun, said that the existence of the WPR is expected to change the lives of the people of West Lombok Regency, especially the residents of Sekotong, to a better and more prosperous direction.

West Lombok Regency, according to him, contains promising mineral resources to be managed and utilized to improve the standard of living and welfare of the wider community, both metallic and non-metallic minerals and rocks.

According to the results of an investigation conducted by the Geological Resource Center Mineral Research Group, Geological Agency, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, an indication of metal was found in the Mencanggah area, West Sekotong Village, Sekotong District.

"There is gold content in the quartz veins in the Gunung Simba and Pelangan complex areas with varying levels," said Sumiatun.

Furthermore, according to him, the wishes and needs of the residents of West Lombok Regency for metal mineral mining (gold) in Sekotong, is a business and livelihood that is expected to change their lives towards a more prosperous direction.

Therefore, Sumiatun is very grateful that the WPR has been proposed by the West Lombok Regency Government to be used.

In the future, his party hopes that in the implementation of the WPR, they can still get supervision and input from the central government, the NTB Provincial Government, as well as from GOLD-ISMIA.

"We want the community to prosper safely and not be threatened by dangers they are not aware of," said Sumiatun.

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