
JAKARTA - Chairman of Commission VII DPR RI Sugeng Suparwoto said his party encourages students as the younger generation to continue to innovate to solve fossil energy problems and the transformation of new and renewable energy (EBT). transforming towards NRE," said Sugeng in a Formula Electric Student talk session entitled "Electric Vehicles and Renewable Energy" as part of the 2022 PEVS event, quoted in a press release, Sunday 24 July. absorb labor. According to Sugeng, Indonesia has abundant renewable energy potential of up to 420 GW. For solar energy, Sugeng said Indonesia has a potential of 3000 GW, while the total electricity in Indonesia has only reached 65 GW. Other NREs owned by Indonesia also include hydro, bioenergy, wind, geothermal and marine. economic benefits three to eight times, and Indonesia's nickel reserves make Indonesia a key global player for the electric battery industry as a major component of the electrification era," said Sugeng. He said fossil energy (oil, gas and coal) today poses systemic problems. because it is polluting, its existence is increasingly limited, and it is vulnerable to international prices which are strongly influenced by various factors including political factors. According to Sugeng, Indonesia is determined to reduce carbon emissions. "Four-wheeled electric vehicles, two-wheeled vehicles or larger electric vehicles are very important to reduce carbon and at the same time reduce the use of fuel," he said.

He added that currently Indonesia's fuel oil (BBM) is very dependent on imports and has implications for the APBN amounting to Rp. 426 trillion, while the APBN subsidy is expected to increase to Rp. 502 trillion in 2023. fossil. According to him, currently Indonesia is only about 14 percent utilizing NRE. On the other hand, Sugeng also supports the PEVS 2022 event because it is able to showcase the work of electric vehicles by Indonesian students and domestic industries. Various government policies are also provided to support the electric vehicle ecosystem in Indonesia. , one of which is electric vehicle users who are not subject to odd-even regulations when crossing the road, electric vehicles that are free of entry fees, and full support for the domestic industry to create all components of electric vehicles.

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