
JAKARTA - Recently, the international health world was enlivened by the results of research published by the world's leading health journal The Lancet Global Health which concluded that Nitric Oxide Nasal Spray (NONS) is effective in helping to prevent the development of the COVID-19 virus in the upper respiratory tract.

The first and only medical device product in the world that produces a NONS formulation is the Enovid Nose Sanitizer developed by Sanotize, a Canadian global pharmaceutical company. Enovid has received a distribution permit from the Ministry of Health since November 2021 and has been circulating in Indonesia since February 2022 after the Phase III clinical trial series in India was completed.

The Lancet Global Health is a journal that is an internationally trusted source of reference for knowledge about global health. The quality and credibility of The Lancet Global Health journal as a reference in the world of health can be assessed from the Journal Impact Factor (JIP) score it achieved, which was 202,731, and was ranked #1 in the category of General Medicine and Internal Medicine in the 2022 Journal Citation Reports .

In this study that has been recognized by The Lancet Global Health, it was concluded that the use of NONS in patients with mild symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection can help speed up the duration of healing of symptoms of infection.

The study is based on the results of a phase 3 clinical trial conducted in India on 306 participants who were COVID-19 patients who experienced mild symptoms and were classified as a group at increased risk of disease, were not vaccinated, aged over 45 years, and had one or more comorbidities. (comorbid).

All participants received standard care including antipyretics for the treatment of fever and pain, antitussives for cough, and hydration/nutrition. A total of 153 patients were given NONS routinely 6 times per day, each 2 sprays per nostril for 7 consecutive days. Meanwhile, 153 other patients were not given NONS (placebo).

In this study, it was found that patients using NONS achieved negative RT-PCR results on day 4, while those who did not use NONS achieved negative RT-PCR results on day 8. NONS was able to reduce the virus in the nasal cavity by 93.7 percent in 24 hours and 99 percent in 48 hours.

NONS is proven to accelerate the clearance of viruses in the nasal cavity, improve clinical status (improvement of WHO CPS scores) and minimize health deterioration due to the COVID-19 virus. This study also found no significant side effects so it is safe and well tolerated by patients.

This paper concludes that all data from this study can be used as evidence to support the use of NONS for patients with early COVID-19 infection to reduce their risk of disease progression.

In Indonesia, NONS products are known as the Enovid Nose Sanitizer brand which is packaged in a portable form and is easy to carry everywhere. Enovid is presented by PT Laniros Dian Pharma.

"In the midst of the surge in COVID-19 cases in Indonesia in recent weeks, NONS can help inhibit the transmission of COVID-19 in the community, thereby accelerating the recovery of socio-economic activities for people who have been saturated with the ongoing pandemic," said Elisabeth Paulus, Director of PT Laniros Dian. Pharma in his statement, Wednesday, July 20.

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