
JAKARTA - Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan said that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) wanted Indonesia not only to anticipate, but to make the food and energy crisis an opportunity.

This was conveyed by Zulkifli Hasan after a limited meeting (ratas) with President Jokowi, at the Presidential Palace, Jakarta, Monday, July 18.

"First, we had a meeting chaired by the President regarding food and energy. Looking at the world situation, we really have to anticipate these two fields. We are still in an atmosphere of crisis in the food and energy sector," said Zulkifli Hasan.

Zulhas, who is familiarly called Zulkifli Hasan, said President Jokowi also reminded him to pay close attention to anticipating the food and energy crisis.

"Because of that, we must pay close attention to everything, then apart from anticipating the crisis, this can also be an opportunity for Indonesia," he said.

Furthermore, Zulhas said there is a solution if the food and energy crisis is discussed in more detail. For example, the shortage of chili commodities. So, it can be mapped which areas in Indonesia are chili producers.

"Where is the most chili producer? West Java, then West Java will be the focus. Then, coffee in South Sumatra and Lampung, then we will focus on it," he said.

That way, said Zulhas, the anticipation of this crisis could be an opportunity for the Indonesian government to increase domestic production. In fact, it is also possible to export.

"So that we can talk in more detail, this anticipation can be an opportunity for us to increase production and even exports, because of that of course," he explained.

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