
JAKARTA - PT PLN (Persero) cooperates with the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and the Government Goods/Services Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP) to increase transparency in the procurement of goods and services for electricity infrastructure development.

This collaboration is carried out by PLN to be able to uphold the principles of Good Corporate Governance (GCG).

The Director of Monitoring for the KPK, Agung Yudha Wibowo, appreciated PLN's transformation in increasing transparency in the procurement of goods and services in the development of electricity infrastructure.

"PLN is the only BUMN that is not afraid to involve the KPK in its business processes," he told the media, Wednesday, July 13.

The KPK considers that the most prominent issue today is the accountability of the procurement process.

However, he sees that the transformation steps taken by PLN, such as digitizing procurement, are able to prevent fraud that often occurs in the procurement process.

"The hope is that with the digitization built by PLN, the procurement process at PLN will be of higher quality, so it will be more open and accountable,"

Meanwhile, the President Director of PLN, Darmawan Prasodjo explained, PLN in carrying out the task of providing reliable electricity services for the community requires guidance and escort from the KPK and LKPP.

Moreover, during the energy transition period, there will be many adjustments and construction of electricity infrastructure that will require the supervision of the two agencies.

"We really need guidance, input, suggestions from the KPK and LKPP so that in the future PLN will be stronger, more competitive, and most importantly more accountable," said Darmawan.

Darmawan said that one of the transformation steps taken by PLN was the digitization of all business processes within PLN.

This includes encouraging transparency in the procurement of goods and services by establishing e-procurement.

Through this dashboard, the procurement of PLN's needs, especially in electricity projects, can be clearly disclosed and progress monitored.

"This is one of the centers of change at PLN which has a tremendous impact. Many spaces that were previously difficult to monitor have become clear. Many previously inefficient have become efficient. This is because we changed the manual to become digitalized," explained Darmawan.

PLN uses the Digital Procurement application which is a back office procurement system that functions as a cost estimator, spend analytic, demand forecast, market intelligence, and tender analytic.

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