
JAKARTA - The use of swamp gas is expected as a new alternative energy source by the community as well as realizing village energy independence in the Central Java region and its surroundings.

Head of the Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services and Cooperation (KLIK) of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Agung Pribadi, said that currently swamp gas has been developed in Central Java as an alternative energy source.

"This swamp gas is also considered environmentally friendly and can be used to replace LPG," he said in an official statement, Wednesday, July 13.

Swamp gas or biogenic shallow is gas formed from metagonic bacteria in a swamp environment which is an anaerobic environment.

This gas is found in shallow rock layers.

The application of swamp gas at a number of points in Central Java Province, continued Agung, is expected to encourage the economic development of the local community.

"The development of swamp gas is also part of energy diversification, encouraging national energy security," said Agung.

In 2020, the Central Java Province ESDM Office built a swamp gas installation in Bantar Village for 25 families.

Then, in the following year the installation was expanded to 100 families with the farthest installation of 600 meters.

The use of swamp gas can save about 72 percent of the cost of LPG.

Usually, people use three LPG cylinders for Rp. 23,000 per month.

If calculated for one year, residents can save up to IDR 55,200,000 per year.

The need for maintaining the swamp gas installation equipment is obtained from the contributions of the people who use this swamp gas.

People can use the gas for their daily needs and for home industries, they only need to pay Rp. 20.00 per month.

Apart from community contributions, the Bantar Village Government also helps through the Village Fund which adds three separator tubes.

This cylinder can be used to maintain gas stability and an even distribution for the cluster of users.

For information, on June 29, 2022 IESR (Institute for Essential Services Reform) together with the Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of Central Java Province in the Central Java Energy Exploration event visited various locations that utilize renewable energy.

One of the villages visited was Bantar Village, Banjarnegara Regency, Central Java Province, which utilizes swamp gas to support village energy independence.

This activity supports Indonesia's energy transition program as well as mapping emerging community-based potentials and innovations.

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