
JAKARTA - The Association of Indonesian Travel Companies (Asita) for the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) supports the application of the concept of Muslim-friendly or Muslim-friendly tourism in a number of tourist destinations in this province.

The chairman of Asita DIY Hery Satyawan in Yogyakarta, Monday, July 11, said that although it was almost the same, the use of the term Muslim-friendly was more appropriate than halal tourism, as was the discourse of the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno.

"Halal tourism is suitable, but it is more Muslim friendly," he said, quoted by Antara.

According to Hery, not a few people misunderstand the concept of halal tourism, who think that they will only regulate aspects of halal and haram food.

"Because it doesn't regulate the issue of halal and haram food, no," he said.

According to him, Muslim-friendly tourism services can be implemented by prioritizing excellent service and presenting a comfortable atmosphere without being uprooted from the local culture.

The concept of such tourism, according to him, is actually in great demand by tourists, especially from countries in Asia such as Japan.

"Sometimes they even ask, because it's not a Muslim problem, but rather the concept of how to understand the service procedures that they think are suitable," he said.

However, according to him, in marketing Muslim-friendly tourism, it is necessary to clarify that the tourism concept is not specifically for Muslim tourists.

Since the PPKM status in DIY dropped to level 1, he said, foreign tourists coming from a number of countries such as in Europe, as well as several countries in Asia gradually arrived.

"The number is gradually increasing along with the easing of travel requirements by the government," he said.

Previously, Menparekraf Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno met with the administrators of the Muhammadiyah tourism network at the PP Muhammadiyah Office, Yogyakarta, Friday (1/7), to discuss a number of things, including the potential for developing halal tourism.

Head of PP Muhammadiyah Haedar Nashir said Muhammadiyah did have a special concern for halal tourism by making the program not only for Muslims, but also able to improve the welfare of society in general.

"How halal tourism is not only about Muslims but this is a tourist activity for the general purpose of life," said Haedar.

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