
JAKARTA - Gadjah Mada University economic and energy observer Fahmy Radhi suggested that the Pertalite type of non-subsidized fuel oil is only intended for motorcycles and public transportation.

"Pertalite needs restrictions to reduce the burden of subsidies in the APBN. The criteria for restrictions are made simple and operated at gas stations, without MyPertamina," he said, quoted from Antara, Monday, July 11.

The MyPertamina application is deemed not yet appropriate to implement considering that the digital infrastructure is still inadequate, as well as the technological stuttering factor.

Subsidized fuel distribution schemes that directly target recipient subjects will be easy to implement during the filling process at gas stations. This scheme is also considered able to reduce the shift in public consumption from non-subsidized fuel to subsidized fuel.

"Premiums are abolished, the reason is that although the volume is small and distribution is only outside Jamali (Java, Bali, and Madura), the import and content subsidies are quite large," said Fahmy.

Pertamina stated that the post-pandemic economic recovery had an impact on increasing people's mobility, so that the trend of selling fuel and LPG also increased.

If this trend continues, the consumption of subsidized fuel will exceed the quota. The government is currently revising Presidential Regulation No. 191 of 2014 specifically regarding the criteria for vehicles that are entitled to use subsidized fuel.

Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati said that his party must maintain the subsidized fuel quota so that it does not exceed the quota set by the government.

Based on data from the Ministry of Finance, as many as 40 percent of the poor and vulnerable people consume only 20 percent of fuel, but the top 60 percent of the economy consumes 80 percent of subsidized fuel.

Pertamina ensures that subsidized fuel is used by eligible segments of society and vehicles that comply with regulations, one of which is through registration of vehicle number plates to the MyPertamina digital platform starting July 1, 2022.

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