
JAKARTA - Member of Commission V of the Indonesian House of Representatives Eddy Santana Putra asked PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) to build flyovers (flyovers) or tunnels (underpasses) around a level of crossing.

"This participation in the construction of flyovers or underpasses is part of PT KAI's social responsibility for the safety and security of transportation for residents crossing concurrent crossings," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, July 8.

According to him, the existence of flyovers and underpasses at a level of crossing will facilitate the movement of trains.

"Both of them benefit from this flyover or underpass. From the APBN only, the construction will take a long time because the number of crossings in large fields. So PT KAI with the profits obtained must help build," he said.

Eddy gave an example, the PT KAI business carrying coal in South Sumatra (Sumsel) became the biggest contributor to PT KAI's profits.

"The PT KAI is quite large, reaching Rp. 14 trillion, the largest is obtained from logistics, namely coal transportation in South Sumatra. One year can be 45 million tons. Not from passenger transportation," he said.

Coal transportation, continued Eddy, was relatively not greatly influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic.

In contrast to the PT KAI business, passenger carriers have been greatly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in the last two years.

This condition, said Eddy, must be improved by the construction of double rails by the government.

He said the construction of the Prabumulih-Tararah doubles rail would improve the economy of South Sumatra.

"The minimum volume has doubled, which has an impact on the economy of South Sumatra and leads to an increase in the welfare of the people of South Sumatra," said Eddy.

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