
JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Finance (Wamenkeu) Suahasil Nazara said that an active role from the government and other stakeholders was needed to collaborate with each other in order to realize sustainable infrastructure development.

According to him, this synergy will be able to have a positive impact and added value for increasing economic efficiency so that it can produce a multiplier effect in various sectors.

"This is an extraordinary form of collaboration, as well as showing that Indonesia as the President of the G20 shows the world that we have carried out a series of collaborations for sustainable development," he said at the Indonesia Infrastructure Roundtable (IIR) forum, Friday, July 8.

On the same occasion, the President Director of PT Penjaminan Infrastruktur Indonesia (PII) M. Wahid Sutopo revealed that his party as a special mission vehicle (SMV) of the Ministry of Finance is committed to supporting the availability of infrastructure financing needs.

"One of the supports that is the focus is the KPBU creative financing scheme (Government and Business Entity Cooperation) which is expected to support the banksability of various infrastructure project sectors and provide convenience for investors," he said.

According to Sutopo, cross-sectoral dialogue held can serve as a benchmark in ensuring that the project risk has been allocated and mitigated by the relevant parties.

"So that later the various risks from project implementation can be managed properly throughout the implementation period, and have an impact on improving people's welfare," he said.

Meanwhile, the Indonesia Infrastructure Roundtable forum is a series of educational workshop activities interactively in providing knowledge, awareness and policy recommendations to stakeholders in order to encourage the acceleration of infrastructure development in Indonesia.

Later, the output of this activity can be formulated in the form of Policy Brief to be submitted to stakeholders and it is possible to include TF8 Notes in the Pre-Summit TF 8 - T20.

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