JAKARTA - The progress of the construction of the Ameroro Dam in Tamesandi Village, Uepai District, Konawe Regency, Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra), which has been working since the end of 2020 has now reached 50 percent.
PPK Ameroro Dam Ryan Rizaldi Oemar said the project whose funding through the pure APBN is expected to be completed by the end of 2023.
"In total, the budget that was contracted was Rp. 1,428 trillion, which included the first package of Rp. 910,136 billion and the second package reached Rp. 518 billion," he said, quoted from Antara, Thursday, July 7.
He said the Ameroro Dam was built by the government aimed at strengthening irrigation water supply and flood control in Southeast Sulawesi Province, especially for Konawe, East Kolaka, and Kendari City.
Ryan said the national project involved the implementing contractor package 1, namely PT Wijaya Karya-PT Basuki Rahmanta Putra-PT Sumber Cahaya Agung (KSO). While package 2 was carried out by the implementing contractor PT Hutama Karya-PT Adhi Karya (KSO) with the supervision consultant packages 1 and 2 were PT Indra Karya-PT Mulya Sakti Wijaya-PT Metta (KSO).
The capacity of Ameroro Dam is 54.53 million m3 with an inundation area of 244.06 hectares or larger than the Ladongi Dam with a capacity of 45.9 million m3 which was inaugurated by President Joko Widodo at the end of December 2021.
"The Ameroro Dam is designed with a tricycle type which has a peak height of 82 meters, a dam length of 324 meters, and a width of 12 meters," he said.
Another function after the dam is completed, in addition to spurring an increase in community rice production in Konawe, also more important is the need for raw water which was originally 100 liters/second capacity to be 510 liters/second, supporting the provision of electrical energy (PLTMH) with a capacity of 1.3 MW, reducing flooding by 66.99 m3/second, and as a tourist spot/recreation for the community.
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