
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (HIPMI) was also present with the Ministry of Investment / Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) when distributing Business Identification Numbers (NIB) to 550 micro and small business actors (UMK) in the Solo Raya area, Wednesday 6 July yesterday. This is a form of HIPMI's commitment to support the ease of licensing that has been facilitated by the government.

On this occasion, Secretary General of BPP HIPMI Bagas Adhadirgha ensured that entrepreneurs, especially HIPMI members throughout Indonesia, had completed the legality of business in the Online Single Submission. This includes completing the legality of the Business Registration Number (NIB).

"Opportunities and opportunities like this must be taken advantage of by novice entrepreneurs. It turns out that taking care of business licenses through OSS is very easy," said Bagas Adhadirgha, in his statement, Thursday, July 7.

In the event, accompanying Secretary General Bagas Adhadirgha included the Chairman of BPD HIPMI Central Java Wulan Rudy Prasetyo, Chairman of BPD HIPMI Aditya Bima Santosa and Chairman of BPD HIPMI Jaya (DKI Jakarta) Sona Maesana.

Bagas explained, HIPMI as a producer of young entrepreneurial cadres will continue to support and support the government's steps in facilitating business licensing. Apart from contributing to the growth of the investment climate, it can also help the government absorb labor.

"We hope that the number of Indonesian entrepreneurs will continue to grow, so that there will be a fairly broad economic impact on society, ranging from employment to poverty alleviation," said the CEO of Asia Aero Technology.

Bagas added that one of the conveniences of managing the legality of a business license through the OSS has been repeatedly mentioned by the Minister of Investment/Head of BKPM Bahlil Lahadalia. So that business actors, whether it's already running, don't need to hesitate anymore.

"It's true what the Investment Minister said, now it takes 30 minutes to process permits and that's enough via cellphones," said Bagas, who admitted that he had tried it himself and listened to it from young entrepreneurs in the area.

The enthusiasm of business actors in Solo, said Bagas, can be a concrete example that the legality process of any type of business is no longer long-winded. That currently taking care of the permit is just a click away from home.

"My hope is that opportunities like this will not be wasted by all HIPMI cadres throughout Indonesia and the general public who want to become entrepreneurs," said Bagas.

As is known, the Ministry of Investment / BKPM carried out the provision of NIB to 550 individual MSEs, as well as the second meeting of the G20 Trade Investment and Industry Working Group (TIIWG) in Surakarta, Central Java, which took place on 5-7 July 2022. The Ministry of Investment / BKPM noted that there are already 1.5 million business actors who have obtained a Business Permit Number through a risk-based Online Single Submission (OSS).

Present at the event were Minister of Investment/Head of BKPM Bahlil Lahadalia, Minister of SOEs Erick Thohir, Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Arsyad Rasjid, and Mayor of Solo Gibran Rakabuming Raka.

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