
JAKARTA - Investment Minister/Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Bahlil Lahadalia admits that the state is still not optimal in managing micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). This is shown by the small number of national banking credit loans to MSME players, which only reached 18.7 percent, which amounted to Rp. 1,127 trillion of the total credit of Rp. 6,200 trillion.

"Under the direction of the President to us, the credit that must be disbursed in 2023-2024 is at least 30 percent for our MSMEs. This means that now it is only Rp. 1,127 trillion, if it increases by 30 percent, it means around Rp. 1,600 to Rp. 1,700 trillion," he said. in the NIB Award for Individual UMK Actors in Karanganyar, Central Java, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, July 6.

According to Bahlil, the low bank credit to MSMEs is due to the large number of informal MSMEs and do not have permits.

"One more thing, the current Minister of Investment also comes from MSMEs, not conglomerates. Not only that, the leader of our nation, Mr. Jokowi, also starts from MSMEs and Mr. Mayor, future leaders also start from MSMEs," he said. Bahlil said Due to the complexities faced by business actors, the government finally issued the Omnibus Job Creation Law. The law aims to provide fast service to the business world. "The business world requires three things, speed, transparency and efficiency. And it's not adventurous. We used to go in, take care of permits, many tables were passed. Every table had a tie or no tie ghost. who hang around the table. This is my experience. With the job creation law, everything is very transparent," he said.

Transparency is carried out through the Online Single Submission (OSS) system. Especially for individual MSEs, licensing can even be done through an application on a cellphone. "Now there is no need to meet the regent, meet the head of the service, no need to meet the minister, just through the application, the NIB (Business Identification Number) parents can leave. That is to make it easier MSEs and individual business actors. There is no more paying for halal certificates, SNI also doesn't need to be paid," he said. Individuals to about 550 MSEs in the Solo Raya area. "Never hesitate to be in the position of MSMEs, because Indonesia was built by Bung Karno and Bung Hatta, the nation's founders, with a system called cooperatives. in the Provision of NIB for Individual UMK Actors in Karanganyar, Central Java, Wednesday. Bahlil also asked that MSME actors not feel inferior because MSMEs contribute around 61 percent n to national GDP. Employment in Indonesia is also dominated by SMEs. Even from the total business units in Indonesia, MSMEs reached 99.3 percent.

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