
JAKARTA - Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan said that many problems at the Ministry of Trade had piled up and had not been resolved. Apart from the issue of cooking oil, the Trade Minister is also still facing other problems, such as the price of basic commodities.

Initially, Zulhas, who is familiar with Zulkifli Hasan, said that the cooking oil problem had been relatively under control with the launch of Oilita. Oilita is bulk cooking oil which is packaged in simple packaging and is priced at Rp. 14,000.

"It's been three weeks since I (became the Minister of Trade) it (the cooking oil problem) has found a common thread. Because everyone wants it. Entrepreneurs want to do good, for their own interests. The government is the same. So we have the same goal, the same goal," he said at the Ministry Trading, Wednesday, July 6th.

However, Zulhas continued, after the cooking oil problem was under control, it turned out that other basic price problems were still waiting to be resolved immediately.

"Indeed, this is not finished. Because apparently all the affairs are here (the Ministry of Trade) although it is not really us who decides, but people know that the Ministry of Trade includes the basic ingredients. For example chili, onions, chicken, meat and should be," he said at the Ministry Trading, Wednesday 6th July.

Because of that, Zulhas admitted that in the last few days, the team from the Ministry of Trade was still working for the benefit of all parties. In this case, farmers, entrepreneurs, and even the community.

Zulhas also invites stakeholders to work together to produce the right policies and provide benefits for all parties, especially the community.

"Don't let our decisions make misery, that's a huge sin. We have to make some policies, better decisions, so that they have a positive impact," he said.

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