
JAKARTA - The Main Expert of the Presidential Staff Office, Edy Priyono, revealed the reason for the launch of packaged bulk cooking oil with the Oilita brand. He said the launch was to maintain the availability and affordability of bulk cooking oil prices in the community, especially in areas that had been difficult to reach.

For your information, Oilita will be launched today. The price will be priced at IDR 14,000 according to the highest retail price (HET) set by the government.

As of July 4, 2022, the average price of bulk cooking oil is IDR 15,800 per liter. The price for simple packaging is Rp. 21,900 per liter, and premium packaging is Rp. 25,200 per liter.

"By packaged, the distribution of bulk cooking oil will be faster, more practical, and can reach difficult areas. In addition, it is also to maintain its quality," said Edy in an official statement, Wednesday, July 6.

According to Edy, so far the distribution of bulk cooking oil is often hampered by technical problems in the field. Such as the limitations of transporting tank cars to storage tanks among traders. This often makes it difficult to optimize the availability and affordability of bulk cooking oil according to HET.

To ensure the availability and affordability of packaged bulk cooking oil prices in accordance with HET, said Edy, the government implemented a scheme to increase the export multiplier ratio of crude palm oil (CPO) and cooking oil raw materials to seven times the domestic market obligation (DMO), for producers. which combine to produce packaged bulk cooking oil.

This scheme, continued Edy, is also an effort to boost the price of oil palm Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB), which previously plummeted and were complained by farmers.

"The change in the ratio from one to five to one to seven is also to accelerate CPO exports. The impact of the export ban some time ago made CPO supplies pile up and fill producers' tanks. This condition prevents smallholders' palm oil from being absorbed and prices go down," he said.

In addition, Edy said that the government was also continuing the Flash Out (FO) mechanism to accelerate the distribution of CPO exports. This mechanism is applied to exporters who are not part of the Bulk Cooking Oil Information System (SIMIRAH) program.

"Entrepreneurs who are not members of Simirah can export but have to pay an additional fee of 200 US dollars per ton to the government," he said.

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