
JAKARTA - Pilgrims who are sick and being treated at the Indonesian Hajj Health Office (KKHI) in Mecca are given therapy that combines medical treatment and Thibbun Nawabi's spiritual treatment to speed up the patient's healing.

"Medical and spiritual therapy for patients treated at KKHI in addition to receiving good medical care is also given additional therapy by Thibbun Nawabi, the way of treatment in the style of the Prophet, especially for prevention and spiritual healing, hopefully with that the patient's healing will be faster," said the Head of the Hajj Health Center. Indonesian Ministry of Health Budi Sylvana in Mecca, quoted from Antara, Saturday, July 2.

Budi said that Islamic spiritual treatment is also known as Thibbun Nawabi, so that patients still receive primary medical care.

"Indeed, this is the first time we have done it combined, but the main therapy is still medical so that the drugs and treatments given by the patient do not refuse," said Budi, adding that in the future, a separate polyclinic for spiritual treatment would be created.

The KKHI Mecca team of doctors, Suzy Indharty said, in the treatment of wounds if the patient feels afraid or anxious, the first stage is recommended to read Al Fatihah and rukiah.

Patients are also asked to read Al Fatihah as well as the patient's companion. With that wound care there is less panic and less pain.

Then, continued Suzy, patients are given zamzam water regularly, which is intended for wound repair and is also drunk.

"So the dirukiah water is read alone and then the medicine is taken with zamzam water, in contrast to what has decreased, it can be rukiah by the family or doctor. God willing, physically recovering spiritually also recovers because there is a link between body and soul so recovery is faster," he said.

The thibbun nawabi consists of cupping, rukiah and food ingredients prescribed by the Apostle such as figs, dates and olives, Suzy added.

"Thibbun means prevention but it can also support the healing of patients because if in neuro science it is described as soon as our mind is productive and immediately focuses on one focus on God, there is a desire to recover quickly. Psychologically, they recover quickly," he said.

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