
JAKARTA - Bulog's Corporate Secretary, Awaludin Iqbal, said that basically his party or other SOEs would be ready if assigned to absorb livestock infected with mouth and nail disease (PMK).

Furthermore, Iqbal said, because of Bulog's position as an operator, it is necessary to have an assignment first for the absorption of beef or livestock infected with FMD.

"Actually, all SOEs are essentially ready (to carry out) all assignments from the government," he said in a virtual discussion, Thursday, June 30.

However, said Iqbal, it is also necessary to think about the impact from the upstream to the downstream side if the absorption of beef or livestock infected with the FMD outbreak is carried out. According to him, education and outreach to the public regarding oral and nail diseases in livestock must be carried out.

"Earlier it was said that this PMK cannot infect humans. But this must be done by educating and outreaching to the public that this virus does not attack humans. This means that the problem of FMD is in the cows or not with the consumers. ," he said.

Previously, the Association of Indonesian Cattle and Bauble Breeders (PPSKI) asked the government through the State Logistics Agency to accommodate livestock infected with mouth and foot disease (PMK).

Beef and buffalo can be a buffer stock.

PPSKI chairman Nanang said that Bulog, which previously imported buffalo meat from India, could now be diverted to purchase meat or livestock exposed to FMD from farmers.

"Because the numbers have moved so much, we ask the government through the State Logistics Agency for this cow to serve as a buffer stock," he said.

According to Nanang, this method can bring two advantages. First, the government does not waste foreign exchange buying imported meat from India. At the same time reducing dependence on imports of meat from the country.

"Secondly, it really helps farmers with a capable government institution that is willing to accommodate livestock in an emergency situation like this," he said.

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