
JAKARTA - Today, Monday 27 June, the Attorney General's Office (AGO) will announce the names of new suspects in the alleged corruption case at PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. If it goes according to plan, the AGO will announce the name of the suspect at 12.30 WIB.

"The determination of the suspect in the case of PT Garuda Indonesia," said the official explanation received by the VOI editor, Monday, June 27.

The announcement of the determination of the suspect will be delivered by Attorney General ST Burhanuddin, Minister of SOEs Erick Thohir, and Head of BPKP M Yusuf Ateh.

Previously, as reported by Antara, investigators had announced three suspects in the case for the procurement of the CRJ-1000 aircraft and the takeover of the ATR72-600 aircraft by PT Garuda Indonesia, namely Agus Wahjudo as Executive Project Manager Aircraft Delivery for Garuda Indonesia for the period 2009-2014, Vice President Strategic Management Office Garuda Indonesia for the period 2011-2012 Setijo Awibowo, and Vice President Treasury Management for Garuda Indonesia for the period 2005-2012 Albert Burhan.

On Tuesday, June 21, Jampidsus investigators submitted the files of the three suspects and evidence to the public prosecutor at the Central Jakarta District Attorney's Office (Kejari).

The Head of the AGO's Legal Information Center, Ketut Sumedana, explained that the planning and evaluation stages of the aircraft procurement process at PT Garuda Indonesia were not in accordance with the Fleet Management Procedure (PPA).

In the planning stage carried out by the suspect Setijo Awibowo, there were no reports on market analysis, route plans, analysis of aircraft needs, as well as recommendations and approvals from the board of directors.

The suspects together with Emirsyah Satar, who was then the President Director of PT Garuda Indonesia, and Hadinoto Soedigno as the Technical Director evaluated and determined the winner of the procurement of the Bombardier CRJ-1000 aircraft in a non-transparent, inconsistent and unaccountable manner.

As a result of the procurement process for the CRJ-1000 aircraft and the takeover of the ATR 72-600 aircraft, which were carried out not in accordance with the PPÀ principles, the principles of SOE procurement, and the business judgment rule, the aircraft always suffered losses when operated; resulting in a state financial loss of IDR 8.8 trillion.

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