
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) received a land grant of 1,216 square meters from the Morowali Regency Government, Central Sulawesi.

Director General of Marine and Fishery Resources Supervision (PSDKP) KKP Rear Admiral TNI Adin Nurawaluddin said the land would be used to build monitoring facilities and infrastructure to strengthen supervision of marine and fishery resources in the Bitung PSDKP base work area.

While the land area of 1,216 square meters is located in the Matano Fish Auction Place (TPI), Bungku Tengah District, Morowali Regency.

Adin expressed his appreciation and gratitude for the support of the Morowali Regency Government.

"The support from the Morowali Regency Government is clear evidence of the synergy between the center and the regions," he said.

According to him, this is very meaningful because it takes into account the wide working area of the Bitung PSDKP Base covering Fishery Management Area (WPP) 713-Makassar Strait, WPP 714-Banda Sea, WPP 715-Maluku Sea, and WPP 716-Sulawesi Sea.

Adin explained that his party will immediately optimize the use of the land as the Morowali PSDKP Working Area Office so that the presence of the PSDKP Directorate General through the Morowali PSDKP Work Area can really be optimal and be felt directly by the community.

Meanwhile, the Regent of Morowali Taslim conveyed that the stages in the grant had been carried out in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations.

He hoped that the land that was donated would be able to support the duties and functions of the KKP.

Taslim advised that the asset mutation process could be completed immediately.

"Hopefully it can support the operational supervision of marine and fishery resources and to immediately process the recording of assets," said Taslim.

For information, the KKP in 2020 has given appreciation to the Morowali Regency Government as a hero in overcoming destructive fishing because it is active in eradicating destructive fishing.

During 2020, the Directorate General of PSDKP has cracked down on seven cases of destructive fishing who used bombs and poison to catch fish and four cases of trading in turtle eggs in Morowali.

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