
JAKARTA - Commission XI of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia has agreed on the proposed indicative ceiling of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) in 2023 of IDR 45.12 trillion.

This indicative ceiling will later be used to implement various Ministry of Finance programs in 2023.

"The House of Representatives Commission XI approved the Ministry of Finance's indicative ceiling in the preliminary discussion of the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget Draft (RAPBN) for the 2023 budget year amounting to Rp45.12 trillion," said Chairman of Commission XI DPR RI Kahar Muzakir in a working meeting with the Ministry of Finance at the DPR Building, quoted Friday, June 17th.

Kahar said the indicative ceiling of Rp45.12 trillion was focused on five programs from the Ministry of Finance next year.

The five programs are fiscal policy, state revenue management, state expenditure management, treasury management, state assets and risks, and management support.

For the fiscal policy program, the indicative ceiling allocated is Rp.103.77 billion.

Meanwhile, the state revenue management program is Rp. 2.81 trillion.

Meanwhile, the state expenditure management program was allocated Rp21.14 billion.

In addition, the budget allocation of IDR 301.42 billion is for treasury, state assets and risk management programs.

And lastly, the management support program that was allocated was Rp41.88 trillion.

"The fiscal policy of the State Budget is to strengthen efforts and policies that can accelerate the achievement of equitable development, both for regional targets and for community groups," said Kahar.

In addition to approving the indicative ceiling, Commission XI of the DPR RI has also requested that the work program at the Ministry of Finance be accompanied by key performance indicator (KPI) achievement targets including public service performance indicators, as well as the implementation of structural reforms, especially strengthening the quality of Human Resources (HR) and bureaucratic reform with indicators that are measurable.

"The House of Representatives Commission XI agrees, there is no difference in the slightest from what was proposed," concluded Kahar.

Meanwhile, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani expressed her gratitude to Commission XI of the Indonesian House of Representatives for the approval that has been proposed and supports programs from the Ministry of Finance next year.

"I agree with the leadership, according to what we have conveyed and I think the committee has discussed it in great detail. Thank you for the approval and support for Commission XI of the DPR RI," he concluded.

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