
JAKARTA - Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi and Minister of SOEs Erick Thohir inaugurated Pondok Ranji Station, South Tangerang, this afternoon, after the arrangement. Now, Pondok Ranji Station has a new face that is better than before.

The arrangement of Pondok Ranji Station is a form of collaboration between the government and the private sector in an effort to improve mass transportation services. In this case, PT KAI and property developer PT Jaya Real Property Tbk.

Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi said that with its new face, Pondok Ranji Station is becoming more comfortable and more accessible to the people of South Tangerang and its surroundings who use the Jabodetabek KRL mass transportation services.

"In the past, going to Pondok Ranji Station was inconvenient because it was cramped and congested, slums and so on. Now the facilities are better, there is also intermodal integration, so that it is easier for people to access it. We appreciate the collaboration between the BUMN and the private sector," he said at the inauguration of the station. Pondok Ranji, Thursday, June 16th.

Accessibility improvements and arrangements made at Pondok Ranji Station include the construction of a new station building, service improvement, safety improvement, park and ride capacity increase; and increasing station accessibility through the provision of feeder transport in the form of passenger buses.

Budi also said the government continues to encourage collaboration with the private sector to participate in developing mass transportation facilities with the concept of Transit Oriented Development (TOD). The concept that connects residential areas with transportation nodes that have complete facilities, become the center of community activities, and also has good intermodal integration.

"Through creative funding, we invite the private sector, such as here there is Jaya Property, in other places there is BSD, and we invite other private parties, please propose. So hopefully the TOD points can be developed comprehensively and sustainably," he said.

Furthermore, Budi said that his party is open to various suggestions and input from the community such as the train lover community, people with disabilities, and other communities, in an effort to improve mass transportation services such as KRL.

Meanwhile, SOE Minister Erick Thohir said that in order to reduce congestion, the government is trying to reduce the use of private vehicles. One way is to improve mass transit services.

Erick said that the construction of a residential area in urban areas should be close to public service facilities such as KRL mass transportation to make it more accessible.

"Currently we have built four TOD points. We continue to synergize and collaborate with the private sector to improve mass transportation facilities as a whole," he said.

Meanwhile, South Tangerang Mayor Benjamin Davnie expressed his gratitude to the government, which has carried out the arrangement of Pondok Ranji Station. According to Davni, the station has a very strategic function for the people of South Tangerang and its surroundings.

"The arrangement of this station will greatly support the smooth movement of the people of South Tangerang, the majority of whom carry out daily activities to Jakarta," said Davnie.

For your information, the Ministry of Transportation through the Directorate General of Railways continues to push the TOD concept into an orientation for the construction and development of stations, to reduce the distance and movement of residents around the station in accessing public transportation. In addition, integration with other modes of transportation is also continuously developed so that it is easier for people to access transportation nodes such as stations.

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