
JAKARTA - The need for speedy access to content is one of the main things in facing competition in the digital era like today. The telecommunication industry players are competing to provide the best user experience for customers in accessing digital content.

Therefore, PT Integration Network Ecosystem (Weave), a subsidiary of PT Solusi Sinergi Digital Tbk (WIFI) or Surge officially signed a Joint Operating Agreement with Huawei Indonesia. This strategic collaboration includes the use of Huawei's Content Delivery Network (CDN) technology in Surge's Edge Data Center (EDC).

The two companies collaborate to take advantage of each other's technology ecosystems to support safe and reliable content distribution. With the latest technology, the distribution of content to all users throughout Indonesia can occur quickly and efficiently.

The collaboration between Huawei and PT IJE (Weave) will benefit all stakeholders in presenting effective and efficient solutions for content owners and providing the best user experience for the community.

In the initial step of this collaboration, Huawei will place CDN Technology at the Edge Data Center Surge located in the city of Bandung, West Java, which will then be continued to nine other cities on the island of Java. Each CDN point will utilize a bandwidth capacity of 60 Gpbs.

Through this collaboration, it is hoped that it will increase the potential revenue for Surge by Rp60 billion per year and strengthen the company's position in presenting total connectivity solutions that are ready to accommodate the needs of the Web 3.0 ecosystem.

CEO of Surge, Hermansjah Haryono, said that the joint operation of Huawei through the edge data center is a global validation of Surge's mission to provide affordable connectivity and accelerate digital transformation for all levels of society in Indonesia.

With Huawei's CDN technology for high-speed internet content distribution, local data exchange can be carried out more quickly, supporting Surge's Edge Data Center locations close to users.

"In the future, content providers and end-customers will enjoy world-class technology in delivering fast data transmission," Hermansyah said in his statement, Thursday, June 16.

Meanwhile, Jason Zhang, President of Huawei Cloud Indonesia said, "We are committed to providing reliable, secure, and affordable cloud services to empower applications, harness the power of data, and help organizations of all sizes grow in today's smart world.

“Through collaboration with Surge, we support the use of Surge's Edge Data Center (EDC) with Huawei's CDN technology. Over the past few months, we have also tested the technology and operations of both companies with very encouraging results. We hope that this collaboration can continue in other cities and ultimately make it easier and expand connectivity for our customers in Indonesia," he explained.

Through this joint operation, Surge and Huawei will be able to provide content delivery services that have the following advantages:

- Acceleration of content access. Despite the large number of requests, access speed and customer experience are maintained because the data storage location is close to the user (at Edge Data Center Surge). In addition, disturbances such as server overload or insufficient bandwidth can also be avoided.

- Acceleration of downloads for customers. The download process can be accelerated in providing audio or video files, games, software and other patches, because the content to be downloaded by customers can be optimally distributed from the nearest server location.

- Accelerated access to video on demand (VOD). Huawei's CDN technology helps customers to be able to access streaming services that are quality, stable and not easily broken. The service is equipped with Hotlink Protection to ensure that streaming is not accessed illegally.

Content Delivery Network (CDN) technology is a technology that can accelerate content delivery by caching or placing duplicate data/content in certain locations (edge nodes) close to end users/users, including websites and games, with the aim of lower latency and better experience on the user side.

CDN technology can be utilized to support better and more stable connectivity for OTT (Over The Top) operators in Indonesia and end-customers.

Huawei is known as a leading global technology company, which has been present for more than 30 years through product expertise and information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure solutions, and Huawei has Content Provider clients with a large content user base in Indonesia.

Meanwhile, Weave is a subsidiary of Surge, which is present as a neutral carrier collaborator & provider that provides high-capacity and reliable fiber-optic networks along railway lines in Indonesia.

Account Director of Huawei Tech Investment Enterprise Business Group, Miaojun, added, reinforced by DWDM technology and the latest technology Automatically Switched Optical Network (ASON) from Huawei for the optical fiber network owned by Surge along the rail, the CDN collaboration between Huawei Cloud and Weave is expected to become an integrated network technology solution that has high added value for both companies, all stakeholders in the information and communication technology industry, as well as for all Indonesian people.

As is known, since 2021 Surge has targeted the construction of hundreds of Edge Data Centers (EDC) spread across remote areas of Java Island. The initial locations for EDC Surge that have been operating are Manggarai Station, Cikarang Station, and Bandung.

The construction of the EDC will continue as the finalization of the deployment of the 2800 km Weave fiber optic network along the Java Island railway line.

The connection of EDC Surge through the Weave fiber optic network and supported by reliable network technology from Huawei and world-class CDN owned is expected to minimize downtime which is a common risk in Indonesia.

Not only for business partners, the development of this data center is of course in line with the company's business development in various digital solutions in the media and entertainment fields for direct consumers which will be presented in the near future.

Equipped with a Content Delivery Network (CDN), Edge Data Center Surge will facilitate local data exchange, as well as streaming access to stable media and entertainment applications with a much better experience, without much buffering or lagging and of course an affordable price.

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