
JAKARTA - The company owned by the richest woman in Indonesia, Arini Subianto, PT Surya Semesta Internusa Tbk (SSIA) posted revenue of 766.4 billion in the first quarter of this year. Achievement rose 71.4 percent from the same period last year Rp447.1 billion.

If we refer to this year's revenue target of IDR 3.4 trillion, the revenue in the first quarter is equivalent to 22.54 percent.

VP Head of Investor Relations Surya Internusa Erlin Budiman said the increase in revenue was contributed by revenue in the construction and hotel segments. "Each one increased by 84.3 percent (Rp287.4 billion) and 102.3 percent (Rp31.4 billion)," Erlin said in a statement, Wednesday, June 15.

Revenue from the property business segment also increased by around 10.8 percent (Rp8.3 billion).

On this note, the company's gross profit was also boosted by 55.7 percent to Rp115.2 billion, from Rp73.9 billion in the first quarter of 2022. As a result, the company's consolidated net loss could be reduced by 2.7 percent from Rp78 billion to Rp76 billion.

Meanwhile, the company has recorded marketing sales of 9 hectares with an ASP of 127.5/sqm US dollars from the Suryacipta Karawang land, which will generate revenue of 11.5 million US dollars or Rp. 163 billion. Therefore, the company has achieved 45 percent of the marketing sales target throughout 2022 from the Karawang land.

On the other hand, on June 6, 2022, the company succeeded in divesting its warehousing business to Frasers Property Thailand (Indonesia) Pte. a total of IDR 562.2 billion. "The company believes that the divestment will strengthen Surya Internusa's position to focus on Subang Smartpolitan," said Erlin.

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