
JAKARTA - Public Policy Observer Alvin Lie asked the government to review the transport limit in dealing with the presence of Over Dimension Over Loading (ODOL) trucks which are considered detrimental to the state.

"We need to reconsider regarding the load limit, the maximum weight that can be carried on our roads. Is the carrying capacity of our roads still within the stipulated limits, or can it be even heavier," said Alvin at the meeting. Public Hearing (RDPU) with Commission V of the Indonesian House of Representatives in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, June 14.

Alvin said the existence of ODOL vehicles had existed for years and there was no firm action from the government. However, when the government will tighten supervision on the dimensions and contents, there will be protests from entrepreneurs.

He considered that, through the revision of Law No. 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation (LLAJ), the government needs to set a standard for the limit of transporting goods transporting vehicles.

"If the limit is fixed, then we must maintain the condition of the road so that it is not overloaded. Likewise with the dimensions, this does not only depend on the capacity of the road but also on the capacity of the vehicles used," he said.

The former member of the Indonesian Ombudsman also asked the government to strengthen supervision of vehicle designs.

He supports the existence of strict sanctions for vehicles that are modified in size and shape so that they do not meet the standards that have been set.

"For example, the capacity is only 15 tons, but loaded up to 20 tons it shortens the life of the vehicle, it is also a potential danger because it exceeds the technical capabilities of the vehicle," he said.

Alvin added, to improve the function of supervision and control of vehicles, the government is expected to cooperate with owners of transportation companies.

"So if we want to strengthen supervision of ODOL, the sanctions will be on the company and company leaders, not the drivers," he concluded.

Based on data from the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), the presence of Over Dimension Over Loading (ODOL) vehicles causes damage to toll roads with a loss of IDR 1 trillion per year.

Meanwhile, the loss for roads, based on the reference of the Directorate General (Ditjen) of Highways of the Ministry of PUPR, totals Rp. 43 trillion annually.

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