
JAKARTA - The Merpati Ex-Pilot Association asked that the assets owned by PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines (Persero) be prioritized to pay for the rights of former employees.

This follows the bankruptcy decision issued by the Surabaya Commercial Court (PN) some time ago.

Merpati Airlines is still in arrears to pay severance pay to 1,233 former pilots and employees with a value of Rp312 billion. In fact, the company has stopped operating since 2014.

The Advocacy Team for the Association of Former Merpati Pilots, David Sitorus, said that with the bankruptcy decision, the struggles of the former pilots, flight attendants, air cabin crew and employees finally found a bright spot.

"This ruling means PT MNA's assets will be used to pay for the rights of workers, including ex-pilots," he said via text message, Monday, June 13.

Taking into account the protection of human rights, said David, the payment for the rights of pilots and employees of Merpati Airlines should be a priority. Where Merpati Airlines assets are used to pay salaries, severance pay, and pension funds.

"The Advocacy Team for the Merpati Ex-Pilot Association also submitted a bill to the curator who had been determined by the Surabaya Commercial Court," he said.

Meanwhile, the Political Advisor to the Advocacy Team for the former Merpati Pilot, Gunawan, emphasized that in the context of protecting and fulfilling human rights, assistance and supervision are needed for PT Perusahaan Pengelola Aset (PT PPA) which has been managing Merpati Airlines assets.

Even though there are already Supervisory Judges and Curators, Gunawan said, in order for the payment of the rights of ex-pilots, flight attendants and other employees to be a priority, it is necessary to provide assistance and supervision by the relevant ministries/institutions, the Indonesian House of Representatives to national human rights institutions.

"This is not just a corporate action, but there is a state responsibility. For this reason, the Office of the Presidential Staff, Minister of Manpower, Minister of BUMN, Minister of Finance, Commission 6 of the DPR and Komnas HAM need to provide assistance to PT PPA in fulfilling the rights of ex-pilots and employees of PT. Another MNA," said Gunawan.

Merpati Assets Synergized with Garuda

Previously, Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir said PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines (Perseo) or Merpati Airlines was one of seven companies that were targeted to be closed.

Erick himself has appointed PT Danareksa (Persero) and PT Perusahaan Pengelola Asset (Persero) or PPA to improve companies that are not good enough to liquidate.

Furthermore, Erick admitted that he did not want to be a leader who was unjust to the company's employees by leaving them uncertain.

"Don't let us be cruel to workers who are adrift. It is better to finish (closed)," he said after a Working Meeting with Commission VI, at the DPR Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, May 7.

Regarding Merpati Airlines' assets, said Erick, those that can still be utilized will be synergized with Garuda Indonesia and Pelita Air.

"Of course, the assets that we are still using, we will synergize. For example, Merpati has maintenance, it can be synergized with Garuda or Pelita Air, we can do that," he said.

Commission VI member Andre Rosiade reminded Erick Thohir to complete the payment for Merpati Airlines workers' rights. This includes severance pay.

"I just want to remind you, I read in the media that Merpati was bankrupt today, which we entrusted with a message, Mr. Minister, please give employees rights, please fight for severance pay for employees," said Andre, in a Working Meeting with the Minister of SOEs, in the Building DPR, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, 7 May.

Meanwhile, member of the House of Representatives Commission VI, Herman Khaeron, said that Commission VI continues to voice that the salaries and severance pay of former Merpati Airlines employees should be paid immediately.

"We at the DPR have repeatedly voiced that we must immediately settle obligations to employees, whether administrative, technical or pilot employees, because this is the main obligation that must be paid," said Herman.

Therefore, Herman again requested that the Ministry of SOEs under the leadership of Erick Thohir not avoid the issue of the former Merpati pilot, which has not yet been resolved.

Herman believes that SOE Minister Erick Thohir should resolve this priority issue. If it is not paid, said Herman, the sin is very big.

"The sin is very big, unjust, hopefully the sin will not spread to members of the DPR," he said.

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