
JAKARTA - Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif said the challenges of implementing energy efficiency are in line with the energy transition program which is also utilized to increase industrial productivity and competitiveness.

"The greater the effort to make an energy transition, the more efficient the use of energy. This is a global step that is a common goal and requires the support of all parties, not only the government but also stakeholders, the private sector, industry, and the community," said Arifin, quoted from Between, Thursday 9 June.

Arifin said the government is committed to taking serious steps to package the right policies in encouraging industry to implement energy efficiency.

Several energy efficiency programs have been implemented, starting in the power generation sector, implementing energy standards in management systems for office buildings, airports, and industry, converting electric motors in the transportation sector, as well as installing household gas networks.

In addition, he continued, the government is increasing the efficiency of electronic equipment as well as increasing industrial development.

"We believe that energy efficiency and industrial ecosystems are part of the engine of our economic growth," said Arifin.

Currently, the most effective energy efficiency policy in Indonesia is the energy management system.

One of the efforts made by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is through the application of the Energy Conservation Information System (Sinergi) for the industrial sector.

However, Arifin explained several challenges in implementing energy efficiency in Indonesia, one of which is the need to increase public awareness and global participation and collaboration.

Previously, The 7th Annual Global Conference was officially opened by the Minister of Energy, Climate and Utilities Denmark, Dan Jorgensen, and the Executive Director of the IEA, Fatih Birol.

The event was organized by the International Energy Agency (IEA) in collaboration with the Danish Government in the City of Sonderberg.

Also present at the opening session were European Union Commissioner for Energy Kadri Samson and Danfoss CEO, Kim Fausing.

The speakers emphasized the importance of energy efficiency as part of a comprehensive strategy towards a clean energy future and net zero emission globally.

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