
JAKARTA - PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk (ADHI) is increasingly optimistic that its financial performance can continue to grow this year. One of the drivers is the acquisition of new contracts.

As of April 2022, Adhi Karya's new contract acquisition has reached IDR 8.2 trillion. "This amount increased by 128 percent compared to the contract acquisition in April 2021 which amounted to Rp. 3.6 trillion," said Corporate Secretary Adhi Karya Farid Budiyanto in a statement, Thursday, June 9.

According to Farid, the increase in new contracts is expected to contribute positively to revenue in 2022.

Farid detailed that several new contracts obtained by the company in April 2022 include the work on the Yogyakarta - Bawen Toll Road, the Shrimp Cultivation Area in Kab. Kebumen, and the Pacal Dam Rehabilitation in Bojonegoro.

Meanwhile, in terms of the contribution per business line in the acquisition of new contracts until April 2022, covering the Construction business line by 89 percent, Property by 7 percent, and the rest are other business lines.

"In addition to business lines, this contract also covers various types of work, consisting of 57 percent of road and bridge projects, 11 percent of buildings, other infrastructure projects such as construction of dams, airports, railways, and energy projects, as well as other projects of 32 percent. percent," Farid added.

Meanwhile, based on the segmentation of funding sources, the realization of new contracts sourced from the Government is 22 percent, sources from BUMN and BUMD are 8 percent, while private/other ownership projects including investment projects are 70 percent.

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