
JAKARTA - Head of the Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH) Erika Retnowati reported the consumption of pertalite type of fuel oil (BBM) has reached 11.69 million kiloliters (KL).

"Pertalite has been distributed 11.69 million kiloliters or 50.74 percent of the quota of 23.04 million kiloliters," said Erika in a Hearing Meeting with Commission VII DPR RI, Wednesday, June 8.

Meanwhile, the realization of diesel distribution was recorded at 6.76 million KL, 44.77 percent of the 2022 quota of 15.10 million KL.

Meanwhile, 0.20 million KL of kerosene has been distributed or 41.67 percent of the 0.48 million KL quota.

"The cumulative tariff for natural gas is 72 segments, and in 2022 the tariffs have been set for 2 segments of natural gas transportation," continued Erika.

On this occasion, he also reported that the realization of Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) from BPH Migas had collected as much as IDR 554 billion as of May 31, 2022.

"This means that 54.4 percent of the target of IDR 1,018 billion until the end of 2022," concluded Erika.

Previously, BPH Migas would issue a regulation regarding restrictions on the purchase of pertalite type fuel.

The Downstream and Natural Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) and PT Pertamina are currently working on technical guidelines so that the distribution of diesel and pertalite can be on target.

Committee member of the Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) Saleh Abdurrahman revealed, Pertamina customers will later be asked to fill in their personal data in the MyPertamina application and will be verified to determine whether they are in the category of recipients of subsidized fuel or not.

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