
JAKARTA - The Ministry of SOEs proposed additional state capital participation (PMN) of IDR 73.26 trillion for 10 SOEs in 2023. This figure consists of cash PMN of IDR 69.82 trillion and non-cash PMN of IDR 3.44 trillion.

Deputy Minister of BUMN II Kartika Wirjoatmodjo explained that this additional capital was to increase capacity and high cover claim pressure due to COVID-19 and claims in credit insurance.

Details of the proposed cash PMN for BUMN under the Deputy Minister of BUMN I amounting to IDR 15 trillion in the form of cash PMN and IDR 3.44 trillion non-cash PMN. PMN cash includes PLN of Rp. 10 trillion, Defend ID of Rp. 3 trillion, ID Food of Rp. 2 trillion. Then, the non-cash PMN for ID Food was IDR 2.609 trillion and the non-cash PMN for Defend ID was IDR 838 billion.

Furthermore, PMN under Deputy Minister II amounted to Rp. 54.82 trillion in the form of cash PMN. The PMN consists of Hutama Karya of Rp. 30.56 trillion, holding of tourism or InJourney of Rp. 9.5 trillion, IFG of Rp. 6 trillion, and KAI of Rp. 4.1 trillion. Then, IndonesiaRe of IDR 3 trillion, Damri of IDR 870 billion, and Airnav of IDR 790 billion.

On the same occasion, Tiko said that Damri had not received PMN for a long time. According to him, the PMN was given to Damri to carry out pioneering tasks, because there were quite a lot of assignments from the Ministry of Transportation for new areas.

"This includes reforming electric buses in big cities, Jakarta, Medan, Surabaya. Slowly, these cities will convert all of their buses into electric buses," he said.

Tiko conveyed that PMN was also needed by Airnav in achieving seamless Air Traffic Management (ATM) in the regional area as well as supporting the government's strategic program through the modernization of the ATM system. According to Tiko, Airnav also needs investment in a new radar.

"This is related to Singapore's approval for the air space above Sumatra, which requires an increase in radar capacity, so that new radar investments are needed to cover a fairly large air area," he explained.

Meanwhile, Hutama Karya's largest PMN proposal is for the construction of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road (JTTS) infrastructure, which consists of Phase I and Phase II JTTS construction PMNs.

"This PMN figure of IDR 30.56 trillion is down from the previous application of IDR 36.78 trillion due to the optimization of funding from the toll road Asset Recycling collaboration with INA (and includes JTTS Phase II funding)," said Tiko.

In addition to assignments, said Tiko, PMN is also allocated for business development, strengthening the capital structure, and improving the performance of a number of state-owned companies. These include building facilities and increasing production capacity of radar, aircraft, ships, ammunition, medium tanks, combat vehicles and modernization of weapons by Defend ID.

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