
JAKARTA - PT PLN (Persero) in collaboration with the Community Development Corps (Korbinmas) of the National Police Security Maintenance Agency (Baharkam) held training on the utilization of coal ash waste or Fly Ash Bottom Ash (FABA) simultaneously at 46 locations of steam power plants (PLTU). , Monday, June 6th.

Executive Vice President of Safety, Occupational Health and Environment (K3L) PLN, Komang Parmita said PLN continues to be committed to utilizing FABA as a building material product that can be applied in construction and infrastructure as well as in other forms such as organic fertilizer given to the community for the common good. .

PLN's efforts to utilize FABA are in line with Indonesia's enthusiasm to become one of the players in the global supply chain, Government Regulation No. 22 of 2021 has been issued which revokes FABA's status as a hazardous and toxic material (B3), and extends the FABA storage time limit to three years.

Through this policy, the use of FABA can be encouraged so that it can increase economic value added, reduce exploitation of natural resources, develop and improve infrastructure with economic value.

"We are doing this as a form of PLN's commitment to use FABA on a large and massive scale as an effort to reduce, reuse and recycle FABA and to encourage SMEs to produce FABA derivative products," said Komang in an official statement, Monday, June 6.

The activity, which was opened simultaneously in a hybrid manner, aims to improve the national economy through community empowerment.

Korbinmas Polri which oversees Binmas at the Polda and Polres levels will join forces to take advantage of the great potential by encouraging Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).

FABA in the PLTU owned by PLN has contributed a lot to the country, ranging from FABA derivative products used by several agencies and the general public, repairing concrete roads to contributing to the construction of toll roads.

Seeing the great potential for the use of FABA, the National Police Institution through the Korbinmas Baharkam Polri ordered Binmas in the ranks of the Regional Police and Resort Police in whose territory there is a PLTU to participate in training on the use of FABA.

"Hopefully this collaboration can become a sharing economy model between PLN, the Police and the community as well as other stakeholder entities that can move and improve the economy," he added.

The head of the National Police's Baharkam korbinmas, Inspector General of Police Suwondo Nainggolan, said that the training on the use of FABA by PLN to Bhabinkamtibmas was carried out simultaneously by involving 24 Polda spread throughout Indonesia.

According to him, as a result of this training, Bhabinkamtibmas will know the benefits of FABA as a supporting material for infrastructure development that has economic value.

"Later on, Bhabinkamtibmas will teach the community around the power plant, so that MSMEs will appear and improve the economy," he said.

Suwondo hopes that his enthusiasm for learning will continue, so that Bhabinkamtibmas can really help the community around the PLTU so that they can take advantage of FABA.

Not only that, Bhabinkamtibmas can provide production training to distribution.

Throughout 2021, PLN has utilized as much as 1.1 million tons of FABA with details of internal utilization of 91 thousand tons and external use of 932 thousand tons which are realized into derivative products of FABA.

Previously, through its subsidiary, PT Indonesia Power, PLN conducted a techno-economic analysis of FABA at the PLTU.

The results show that the FABA waste produced is very likely to be processed into other derivative products.

Besides being able to produce paving blocks, bricks, wall panels, FABA can also be used as material for stockpiling in mine reclamation, substitution of lime to neutralize acid mine drainage and even improve soil physical conditions and planting media for revegetation of ex-mining land.

To be able to get FABA, people can take it for free at the nearest PLTU location.

It is enough by submitting a letter of request for FABA and completing the administrative requirements, the public can obtain FABA in the ash valley.

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