
JAKARTA - The government plans to impose a tariff to climb the Borobudur Temple structure for domestic tourists of IDR 750,000.

It aims to limit the number of visitors so that the condition of the temple as a permanent cultural heritage remains sustainable.

Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan emphasized that the plan to increase the ticket price for the Borobudur Temple stupa area of IDR 750,000 is not final and will be decided by President Joko Widodo next week.

“I heard a lot of public input today related to the discourse of increasing tariffs for local tourists. Therefore, later I will ask the relevant parties to immediately review again so that the tariff can be lowered. I thank all of you for your great attention to the cultural heritage of our pride," Luhut told reporters on Monday, June 6.

However, Luhut ensured that the plan to increase the tariff for foreign tourists to 100 US dollars would not change.

Likewise, the tariff for students remains according to the plan previously submitted, which is Rp. 5,000.00.

Meanwhile, to just enter the Borobudur Temple area, the fee is still IDR 50,000.

Luhut is also considering providing special tariffs for residents of Central Java Province and Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY).

Most importantly, he said, later all prospective tourists who want to visit Borobudur Temple must make an online reservation. This is done to regulate the flow of visitors.

Local residents will also be invited to contribute more. All tourists will have to use a tour guide from local residents around the Borobudur Temple area.

In addition, tourists are required to use special 'upanat' sandals so as not to damage the stairs and building structures in the temple.

These sandals will be produced by residents and SMEs around Borobudur Temple.

“As a nation rich in culture, we certainly don't want to be seen as unable to preserve our own cultural heritage. So, special treatment is needed to realize this effort," concluded Luhut.

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